Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy 6 Months, Brooks!

This sweet boy is 6 months old!

Well, I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again...How is my little baby six months old already? The time is going so fast! Brooks is such a sweet, loving baby, and he is growing and changing so quickly. He has big blue eyes, a little bit of light fluffy hair, chubby cheeks, and a big, beautiful smile that melts my heart! He has the best laugh, and thankfully he lets us hear it often. He laughs when we make funny noises, when we tickle him, and when we lift him high in the air. I might be a bit biased, but I think we may have a heart-breaker on our hands! :)

Brooks loves attention and flashes his adorable smile at anyone who will give him a little extra. Also, this boy LOVES to move! He figured out how to roll from back to front on May 1st, and has not stopped since. Whether laying on the floor, sitting in his car seat, or being held, his legs and arms are constantly moving. He still likes his car seat, especially when we are moving in the car. I can almost always count on him falling asleep while we are driving. He also likes to talk, squeal, and squeak. He really gets to talking when he has just woken up from a nap. Brooks likes to take baths, go for walks/runs in the stroller, and to eat/drink. Overall, he is a pretty easy-going baby, BUT he will definitely let us know when he is unhappy.

There are a few things that Brooks obviously does not like. The first, which I've mentioned before, is being tired. If he is over-tired, which typically happens in the evenings, he will cry/scream until he can calm down enough to fall asleep. He's gotten better, but I would say this happens 3-4 nights per week for about 5-10 minutes. That's not too horrible, but it really makes my blood pressure rise when he's like that! I just feel so bad for him! He is also starting to be vocal when we are eating and he is not. He definitely is going to have to start joining us at the table for meals! :) Brooks sometimes gets angry when he has to go a long time without attention. When I am getting ready in the morning, I often let him play on the floor where I can see him, but he can't necessarily see me. After about 15 or so minutes of this, he will whine until he can see me again. I'm glad he is a mama's boy, but I'm hoping he will learn to be able to entertain himself for a bit longer in the future!

Brooks is continuing to meet new milestones on a regular basis. Like I said, he started rolling from back to front on May 1st. Ever since that day, he has been a rolling machine! He is also starting to push up to his hands and knees, and planking! He has only done these moves a few times, for a very short amount of time, but I know it won't be long before he is crawling! He can sit independently for about 5-10 seconds before tipping over. He can also support his weight on his legs for pretty much as long as he wants. Although I know that he is about average, I am so excited about his gross motor skills because I am so used to being worried about my babes being behind their peers! Brooks had a physical therapy appointment yesterday, and his therapist was very excited about his progress. She said his neck is doing great, and is very strong. Also, there is almost no tilt anymore! He has another appointment scheduled for mid-June, but we are hoping that will be the last one! In the fine motor realm, Brooks can pick up toys, switch hands with them, and put them in his mouth! He has also learned how to put his pacifier in! YAY! That has been a great skill to have! Brooks is very grabby...He grabs at everything that is in his reach such as toys, hair, faces, silverware, Huey...EVERYTHING! Here we go with the baby-proofing again! Brooks seems to be a very social baby. Like I said he smiles at everyone who looks his way, and will talk to pretty much anyone who first talks to him. He is still an excellent night time sleeper, and he is starting to become a better napper as time goes on. He sleeps about 11-12 hours at night (but usually 11), and takes 2 or 3 naps each day. Because I am usually running around in morning, his first nap is usually in his car seat and can last for 45 minutes to 2 hours. His afternoon nap is coming along. The past few days, he has been napping for 1-2 hours in his pack n' play in the laundry room. I have him in there since Kylie naps in their bedroom, and I don't want them to wake each other up. He is still trying to sneak a nap in in the evening as well. This usually happens at about 6pm for about 30-45 minutes. I know I need to cut this out to get him to go to bed earlier, but he is SO crabby if he doesn't get it! Another new milestone is that Brooks has started eating solid foods. He has had rice cereal, peas, and sweet potatoes. So far, he has enjoyed all of them! I am hoping to start giving him some more veggies and some fruit soon too! He is still getting breastmilk in a bottle...about 28-30 ounces each day. But he just had a well-child appointment yesterday, and he isn't gaining weight quite as quickly as he should be, so I'm going to start giving him more like 32 ounces per day! :) Right now he eats about 7-8 ounces of milk, 4 times per day at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm, and he eats cereal after his 8am bottle, and veggies when we eat dinner around 6pm. At his appointment he weighed exactly 17 pounds (49th percentile), and was 26 inches long (49th percentile). He's pretty proportionate! He does not have any teeth yet, but I have a feeling he is working on some. He chews and drools constantly! Finally, Brooks is just making his way into 6-9 month clothes, and he is wearing size 3 diapers.

Being Brooks' mom and dad is one of the most rewarding gifts we have ever experienced! He is so sweet, happy, and loving, and it is just so fun to get to watch him grow and develop! Our little family of four is simply the best! We are so blessed! We love you so much, Brooksie Boy!

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