Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bounce World

The other day, Kylie and I went to Bounce World for the first time to help celebrate Ellasen's birthday! It was a blast! Bounce World is basically a big building with lots of inflatable slides and bounce houses inside of it. The kids can run around between different inflatables and play at their own leisure. I was nervous that Kylie might be a little scared, but she LOVED it! She tried out lots of different activities including some really big slides! I was impressed by her fearlessness! I loved watching her have so much fun! We will definitely be going back there this winter!

Hanging out in the toddler area!

 Playing with Witten!

She climbed, albeit slowly, to the top of this big slide all by herself...
...Then she did the slide over and over again! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day of giving thanks, I thought I would share some of the things that I am grateful for...Kylie, a full-term pregnancy, my hard-working husband, a loving family, supportive friends, living in a free country, having the means to stay home with my children, a house over my head, and delicious food! :) I hope you all find yourselves appreciating your blessings today! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Craft Fair 2012

My friend, Sari, and I have become quite crafty in our old age. Two years ago, we had a booth at the Mayo Craft Fair and enjoyed our time. So we thought we would do it again this year. We had much more of a variety this year...Everything from ruffle skirts to hooded towels to quilts to headbands and bow ties. We also had a better location and both did better in terms of sales! It was a blast, and I will miss talking "crafts" with her next year! Thankfully, we will be starting up an Etsy Shop sometime in the near future...We'll keep you updated!

 Our booth!

 This is one of the skirts that I made.

And here are a couple of embellished onesies!

And Baby Makes Four...

As many of you know, we are expecting a baby boy within a month or so. I'm due on December 12th, 2012, but he could really arrive any time between now and then. I wanted to record my growing bump on the blog so he can see it someday, but I didn't want to post too soon. You see, when I was pregnant with Kylie, I first posted about her impending arrival TWO days before she arrived...and she was 8 weeks early. I think I jinxed us! So this time I vowed to wait until I was comfortable with him arriving before I posted anything just in case. So now that I am 37 weeks pregnant, and feeling comfortable with his arrival at any time, here is the post...

 And I think I popped...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kylie Bean!

Happy Birthday, Kylie!

In true (Emily) Barlow fashion, Kylie has been enjoying her birthday for several days! She had two birthday parties over the weekend, and we played at the mall today which is one of her favorite activities! Her first birthday party was on Saturday night with our families. It was pretty low key...We had a pizza party and enjoyed the company and family time! On Sunday, she had another co-birthday party with her friend Ellasen. Ella's birthday is on the 21st and she is a year older than Kylie, but they seem to enjoy sharing the love! Kylie's nickname is Bean and Ella's nickname is Bug, so they had a Jelly Bean/Lady Bug theme! All of their little friends came over for food, fun, crafts, and games! It was a lot of fun, and super cute! We are so grateful for our wonderful family and friends who have loved and spoiled our little girl! Thank you!

Today (November 19th) is her actual birthday. I woke her up by singing "Happy Birthday" to her, and ever since then she has been saying "Happy Day." I think after 3 days of singing it to her, she is finally catching on! :) Jon worked today, so I took Kylie to the mall play area, which is one of her favorite places! We met up with Ellasen, Witten, and Helen, which are some of her besties! Thankfully, Jon was able to get home from work at an early time, so we took Kylie to Noodles for supper! She loves all things pasta! Then we had some low key family time later this evening.

 Blowing out her candle on her delicious cake from Grandma Barlow!

 Kylie's cousins enjoying their cake.
These are the 3 E's: Emmit, Elias, and Espen

 Opening presents!
She got the little pink recliner from Grandma and Grandpa King!
She is obsessed! 

 Telling and showing us that she is "TWO!"

 Kylie and Ella in their birthday outfits!

 Blowing out her candles on her jelly bean cupcake!

 Loving her cupcake! YUM!

The Lady Bug/Jelly Bean Cake that I made and decorated!
It tasted better than it looked! :) 

As for her 24 month update...Kylie is changing so much every day. She is constantly learning new words, new tricks, and new behaviors. Some of her favorite things right now include talking, playing with her toys seeing friends, looking at pictures on my phone, and going to "school" and gymnastics. Her favorite toys are her babies, stroller, shopping cart, chair, and books. She also loves to look at pictures of "bapa" (grandpa) and "mema" (Mia) on my phone. Her best friends are Witten, Helen, Ellasen, Annabelle, and Halle.

Unfortunately, Kylie has discovered temper tantrums recently. She does not like being told, "no," having toys taken away, or feeling frustrated. If we are at home, those three things typically result in a tantrum, which involves tears and screams. For some reason she rarely has tantrums in public or at other peoples' houses. She is getting better at baths, but still is not a huge fan of getting out. She hates wearing socks and footie pajamas. She cries and says, "off" when I attempt to get her to wear them. She is quite independent, which is generally a blessing, but can be horrible when she runs away from me in parking lots or in the store. Thankfully, she will still sit fairly well in a stroller or shopping cart.

She is continuing to meet tons of milestones, which is so fun to see! She recently completed her first gymnastics class, in which she learned how to run, jump, march, bear crawl, and kick! Her dada also taught her how to "lurk," which is walking crouched down with her arms out in front of her! It's hilarious! She says tons of words, though about 50% of them only Jon and I can understand. My favorites are "pop tart," "stroller," "bib," and "bed." She also says two word sentences, such as "More please," and "No Huey." She has started singing along to songs, especially songs with repeated words like, "Oh baby," and "ever, ever, ever." She also likes songs with hand motions, and will attempt to do all the motions. She LOVES being read to, and will "read" to others by pointing at pictures and saying what the pictures are. She knows A LOT of animal sounds and body parts, though she always points to her wrist instead of her "elbow." She knows her age, but can't figure out how to hold up two fingers...Instead, she just does some random gang signs. She seems to have a pretty good memory. She remembers her Halloween costume, and where all of her friends live. Whenever we are approaching their neighborhoods, she starts to say the name of whichever friend we are going to see. She also goes to day care for 2 hours on Friday mornings when I go to Bible Study, and last week I asked her what she was going to play with at day care. She said "baby" and "stroller." Afterwards, I asked the sitter what she played with...a baby and a stroller! :) She is currently growing in her canines, so she is up to 16 teeth. She is wearing mostly 2T clothes, with a few 18-24 months items mixed in. She wears size 4 diapers during the day, and size 5 at night. She also wears size 6 shoes. She is still a great sleeper and pretty good eater...Her routine has not changed too much in recent months. She gets up around 8am, eats breakfast at 8:30am, eats lunch at 11:30am, takes a nap from 1:30-4/4:30pm, eats supper around 5:30pm, and goes to bed between 8-8:30pm.


Two years ago when Kylie was born prematurely, I never imagined I would have such a sweet, silly, smart girl. She was such a chill, little peanut, and she has grown and changed so much. I love her little personality so much and can't wait to see what the next year brings! We are so blessed! :) We love you, Kylie!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Many Faces of Kylie

Kylie loves to laugh and make others laugh. One of her favorite ways to do that is by making funny faces at us. I've tried to capture as many as I can on camera, but she usually smiles and says, "cheese" as soon as she sees I have it out...She's quite the ham. So I haven't captured them all, but here is a collection of the best I have:

 Here she is saying, "cheese" and smiling when she is supposed to be doing "mad face."

 This is the best I got of "cute face."
Normally, she tilts her head toward her shoulder and gives a closed mouth smile.

 This is "crazy eyes."
She tries to open her eyes as wide as they will go, lift her eyebrows, and open her mouth in an "O" shape.

And my personal favorite..."mad face."
I love that her eyes look mad, but she has a little smirk on...
She is not really mad! :)