Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Last summer, we re-did our front landscaping. It was two weekends of awful rock shoveling, which reminded me how soft my current job has made me. Overall, it turned out nice. While we were able to redo the bulk of the front, I didn't get around to getting one side of the house done last year. Therefore, that was the project for this weekend. We wanted to do the same thing that we had done for the front, this time on the side. There was some preexisting peonies, but it was mostly a blank slate. Fortunately (for my back) there was no rock. Susan (Emily's mom) came over to help us with the choosing of the plants as well as the manual labor. We also refreshed the mulch in the front of the house, and got the waterfall back up and running. Here's some photographic evidence (before and after) of our productivity.

Front of House

Huey: totally unhelpful

Waterfall (before)

Waterfall (after)

Side of house (before)

Side of house (after)

Front view of side of house (before)

Front view of side of house (after)