Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Little E's Baptism!

Jon, Kylie and me posing with Espen!

Last Sunday, our newest nephew, Espen, was baptized! (As a side note, I am adopting the nick name, Little E, for him. All three of my nephew's first names begin with the letter E, so baby Espen has become, "Little E!" :) Anyway, Little E and his family (Tony, Ingrid and Elias) live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, so we packed up on Saturday and headed west! On Saturday, we spent some time visiting with Jon's parents, brothers, and grandparents. We had a great time chatting and catching up. We also caught the end of the Badger game! They smoked Penn State and are headed to the Conference Championship! YAY! GOOOOO Badgers!

Then, Sunday morning was the baptism. It was a great service and Little E did fantastic! AND it was even more meaningful because Jon and I are honored to be Espen's godparents! After the baptism we headed back to Tony and Ingrid's place for a delicious homemade brunch! We ended the trip with a Barlow Family Photo Session! We were sad to say good-bye, but we are excited to see everyone again for Christmas in a few short weeks!

The Barlow Clan:
Jon, Kylie, me, Espen, Doug, Kriss, Greg, Ingrid, Elias and Tony

Espen's real parents and Godparents.
Esther and Bjorn (Ingrid's brother and sister-in-law), Ingrid, Tony, Espen, Jon and me!

Happy Baptism, Espen!

Birthday Party #2!

Kylie is so lucky! She got to have TWO birthday parties this year! She shared her second party with her friend, Ellasen, whose birthday is on November 21st. Ellasen turned 2 this year, so she is almost exactly a year older than Kylie. The girls chose an ice cream cone theme for this party and it was so darling! They had an ice cream cone cake and mini smash cakes to match. They wore ice cream cone onesies. All the decorations were neopolitan colors (pink, brown and white). There was an ice cream bar, in which everyone could create their own ice cream sundaes. We also served lasagna, garlic bread, caesar salad, cupcake cones, ice cream sandwiches, and the cake! Many of our friends were able to celebrate with us, which made us feel so special!!! We are richly blessed and we love each and every one of you! Thank you for helping to make Kylie's day special!

The food table...Check out the Ice Cream Cone Cake and Smash Cakes!
One scoop for Kylie! Two scoops for Ella!

Me and my Bean!

Kylie had no idea how to blow out her candle...Maybe next year! :)

She did enjoy her cake! She seems to be over the frosting fear!

Posing for pictures with her friends, Ellasen and Kinsley!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Happy Birthday to my Kylie Bean!

One year ago, we got the biggest (and best) surprise of our lives. My water broke as I was teaching 8th grade boys's health, and 6 hours later our baby girl arrived. She was 8 weeks ahead of schedule! I still remember that day like is was yesterday...It was scary and amazing and crazy all at the same time. When I close my eyes and think about it, I can bring back all of the emotions, the conversations, the shock, and the way Kylie looked (pink and crying) when she made her arrival. I remember praying with Jon that she would be healthy and big (that one was answered). I remember calling Molly relentlessly with questions about what to do. I remember telling my parents that we were going to try to keep her in for a few days, and then calling back an hour later to tell them that she was actually coming that night. WOW! How was that a whole year ago!

Last year on this day, I had a 4 pound 13 ounce teeny baby. Today I have a 24 pound almost toddler! Last year, Kylie was in an incubator in the hospital for Thanksgiving and many days after that. This year, Kylie is a thriving, room-air breathing, big girl who gets to spend Thanksgiving at her Grandma and Grandpa Barlow's house. What a difference a year makes. Last year, Kylie was sleeping 22 hours a day. Well, I guess not everything has changed! Just kidding, she only sleeps 15-16 hours a day now! :)

At one year, Kylie is still a very happy, sweet girl. She loves army crawling around and exploring her environment. Her favorite place to crawl is onto the shelf under the coffee table. She really enjoys her new toys, especially her musical table and her Elmo doll! She enjoys hanging out with mommy and daddy and other little kids. She is a social baby. She is still an excellent eater and sleeper, which we really appreciate. Her favorite food right now is apple sauce! And she still sleeps with her bunny...She gets so excited when she see him!

Her biggest dislike right now is just not being able to communicate. Recently, she has gotten a little whiney, and I think it is because she wants to communicate her needs but doesn't know how. I'm trying to employ the ignoring technique, but I must say that I am failing miserably. I'll keep working on it!

Kylie has met a couple significant milestones in the past month. She has finally started pulling up to a stand! It's exciting for me, but I can tell it is exhausting for her...She is carrying around like 24 pounds on a short, little frame afterall. I imagine it would be similar to me trying to stand up from a laying position if I weighed 300 pounds. I think that would be hard. I am also convinced that Kylie is now saying actual words. Her favorite consonant sound is still "da," but I am pretty sure that she is saying "dada" with purpose now. She says it a lot more when Jon is home, AND she always says it when he walks in the door. I also think she said "dog" today, although it sounded more like, "dob." Huey barked, and Kylie said, "dob." I said, "Yes. Dog." She proceeded to say, "dob" three more times. I tried to get her to say it again later, but she ignored me so who really knows. But one can hope! She is still army crawling...And she claps, wiggles, clicks her tongue and smacks her lips on command. Her sleeping and eating schedules are basically the same as last month, although I have started to let her feed herself more often now. She likes to feed herself bread, puffs, bananas and mandarin oranges. She is getting much better at the sippy cup...We're going to switch one of her bottle feedings to a sippy cup feeding soon. She is also still wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 3 shoes, and size 4 diapers.

It's with mixed emotion that I say, "Happy 1st Birthday, Kylie Bean!" Jon and I have been blessed with a wonderful baby, and the best year of our lives! I hope next year goes more slowly than the last!

Kylie's 1 year Photographs!

Kylie had her one year photos taken last week, and the sneak peek is up on my photographer's blog! I LOOOOOOOVE them! The web address for her blog is: www.racheleagle.com. All of the proofs should be done by next week...Here are the sneak peeks:

Quilts and Crafts!

Quilting, well fake quilting really, has become a hobby of mine over the past couple of years. I have my Grandma King and my sister-in-law, Ingrid, to thank for that...They are both crafty and creative and inspiring to me! Anyway, over that past couple of weeks, I have made 3 new quilts. Two of them are gifts for my friends who just had babies, and one is for a friend's sister who is due in November.

Danielle had baby Sydney in July, but they have been in Florida. Sydney has a lot of giraffes in her nursery, which is why her quilt is also giraffey. This was a new pattern I got from my grandma, and I think it is adorable! I hope Syd loves it too!

I am taking care of a fellow orthopedic resident's brand new baby boy full time. His name is Jacob and he is a handsome little guy. I made this quilt with him in mind. Both of his parents are residents and I felt like these preppy fabrics were perfect for their little man!

Lastly, my friend, Melissa, asked for a blue and brown quilt for her soon-to-be baby nephew. I already had some of these beautiful fabrics from a previous quilt so I was excited when she asked for blue and brown. I love this color scheme. If I have ever a boy, he will definitely have a blue and brown nursery! I forgot to take a picture of it, but trust me, it was cute!

More recently, I have started to make ruffle skirts and applique onesies, along with a few other crafts. Sari (an EXTREMELY crafty friend of mine), Rebecca (a headband-making queen) and I had a craft fair the other night, in which we sold many of our new and old crafts! We had a fun and successful night! I just love the feeling of watching other people lovingly look at my stuff. It gives me a serious sense of accomplishment! These are some pictures of our table!

This is my sewing art...It's called a Scrappy Christmas Tree, and it sold right away!

These are the ice cream cone onesies that I made for Kylie and Ellasen's Birthday Party!

If you ever want to order any of the things you have seen on this post, just send me an email and I'll be happy to make it!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Birthday Party #1

Our little family!

As some of you know, I believe birthdays are a BIG deal. So in keeping with tradition, Kylie is currently celebrating her birthday week! It began last Saturday, the 12th, with a pink and brown cupcake-themed birthday bash at our house! And we were blessed with lots of our family members and a few of our friends who came over to help celebrate. We ate some delicious good (thanks to my mom and mom-in-law), opened A LOT of wonderful gifts, and enjoyed each others' company. Kylie looked adorable in her homemade ruffle skirt and "1" onesie! Thank you friends and family for helping us spoil our beautiful girl!

The food table...Complete with cupcakes of all different sizes!

Opening gifts...

Trying out the new, big girl car seat!

Pumpkin Carving and Trick or Treating!

I am waaaaay behind on posts, but I have good reasons. I had three BIG projects that I had to complete before allowing myself to spend my spare time blogging. 1) Last weekend was Kylie's birthday party (more on that later), so the house got a deep cleaning. We also spent a couple of days cooking and baking in preparation. 2) I organized, ribboned, packaged and mailed a bunch of gifts for my MIL's business. 3) I had a craft show (also more on that later) in which I spent a lot of my spare time crafting in preparation! NOW that all three of those things are completed, I have a little free time again! YAY!

Anyway, the Friday before Halloween, Kylie and I spent some time with our friends carving pumpkins. I carved a funky face and a "K" for Kylie! :) We had a blast chatting, carving and consuming food!

On Halloween, Jon and I dressed Kylie in her poodle costume and headed to Stewie for a little trick-or-treating. We stopped at my Aunt Debbie's house to see her and my Grandma King, and then we headed over to my parent's house so Kylie could see her grandparents. Kylie wasn't loving her costume, but she looked so darn cute!