Monday, April 9, 2018

Quinn at 7 Months AND 8 Months!

3/9/18 - 7 Months

4/9/18 - 8 Months

Sometimes she still falls asleep after eating.
It's the sweetest.

She is loving bath time.
She splashes and splashes!

She is so close to crawling. She will get up on hands and knees and rock, but she hasn't figured out how to coordinate the movements yet. She will start to move her legs forward and then just plop down to her tummy because her arms won't go anywhere.

At eight months old, Quinn is a great sleeper. She still goes to bed around 7:15-7:30pm and wakes up in the morning between 7-7:30am. During the day, the is now taking two fairly predictable naps from about 9:15-10am and 1:30-3:30/4:00pm. She still often takes her morning nap in her carseat as we are driving the big kids around in the morning. We make an effort to get home for her afternoon nap so that she can sleep in the crib for that one. She eats every 3-4/5 hours, and is still breastfeeding, and eating lots of solid foods. She nurses either 4 or 5 times per day, depending on the day at 7:30am, around 12pm, 4pm, and about 7:15pm at bedtime. Sometimes she sneaks a mid morning snack in around 10:30am. She eats solid foods at lunch and dinner, and is some table foods as well. She has tried pretty much everything and will tolerate most foods. I would say green vegetables are her least favorite. When she decides that she is done eating, she will make raspberries with her mouth and spit her food everywhere. Not very subtle! :)  I weighed her a couple of weeks ago and she was 17 pounds, 7 ounces. Quinn is now wearing 6-9 month and 6-12 month clothing, size 3 diapers, and size 1 or 2 shoes depending on the brand.

Here are some of her milestones and accomplishments from the past month: Quinn can army crawl, push up to hands and knees and sit up unsupported. She is currently teething, her top two teeth are through and growing in. She sits in a booster seat to eat, and still loves ALL attention. She is also still working on her pincer grasp, and is babbling more and more everyday. She gives excellent kisses, and definitely knows who her people are! Here method of self-soothing is my favorite thing: She sucks on her tongue and puts her hand on her neck. She does this mostly when she's tired, but sometimes when she is hungry too. It's the sweetest. She is a wonderful baby! We're so happy she is ours! 

We love our Mighty Quinn!

It's STILL Winter!

Maybe it's because we've lived away from Minnesota for the past 4 winters, or maybe it's actually truth, but this winter seems to be dragging on and on. Here is another month's worth of winter festivities!

This is me at 6 months and Quinn at 5 months.
I LOVE that she resembles me as a baby!

Quinn loves to be included.
Here are all 3 kids enjoying a game of Go Fish one morning.

We did have a warmish stretch in which the temps got into the 40s and 50s.
We took advantage by walking to the bus stop to pick Kylie up.

Kylie finished her basketball season on March 3rd.
She loved playing and improved a ton!

For Jon's birthday we spent the night at a hotel and went to the Mall of America.

They had so much fun!

Brooks' Leprechaun trap.
That little green man didn't fall for it, but he did leave green footprints!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from these 3 (slightly) Irish kiddos!

We went to Scheel's a couple of times!

Kylie's school had a science night.
People from the Science Museum of Minnesota came down and set up several experiments for the kids to try out.

Weird face, but cool bridge!

Kylie caught the stomach bug.
It was fast and furious! Poor girl!

On the last day of March, we went up to the actual Science Museum of Minnesota.
Jon and the kids were in their happy place! :)

Here's hoping actual spring arrives soon! 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Happy Easter 2018!

Happy Easter from the Barlow Family!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend with our families! We spent part of Friday and part of Saturday in Hudson with the Barlows. The kids enjoyed playing in the snow (I'm done with it though!), and dyeing eggs with their cousins! And as usual, we loved the company and amazing food! On Easter Sunday, we went to church in the morning then hosted the King family for lunch. We had a potluck style feast and a huge Easter egg hunt for the kiddos! It was so fun to see many of my aunts, uncles, and cousins who I don't see often enough!  

My crazy Easter Bunny!

Quinnie is the star of the show with her Barlow cousins. 
They all love holding her and playing with her.
Here she is cuddling with her "big" cousin, Bergen!

The 4 big kids.
L to R: Elias, Brooks, Espen, and Kylie

Grandpa Doug loves babies!
Thankfully, Quinn is warming up to him again.
She had a moment in which she was afraid of all men.

The kids all got TWO Easter baskets.
One from Grandma Kriss and Grandpa Doug and one from Great Grandma and Grandpa Barlow.

Easter morning!
The kids found their Easter baskets!

Kylie helping Quinn.

I thought it'd be a great idea for Quinn and her newest cousin, Tori, to wear matching outfits.
They were pretty cute!

All of the King cousins!
L to R: Kylie with Tori, Brooks, Lydia, Quinn, and Emmit.

Baby Quinn hanging with Super Grandma!

We were again reminded of how thankful we are to be back in Minnesota close to our families, despite the snow and cold! And, of course, we are thankful for the resurrection of Jesus and His grace and mercy! Happy Easter to all!