Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Happy 10 Months, Bode!

Happy 10 months, Bode Bo!

Bode has become such a sweet baby. He loves being around his people, especially his siblings. He follows them everywhere. He thinks they are hilarious and so cool. Thankfully, the love is reciprocated. The kids love playing with him too! He NEVER stops moving. He is an avid crawler and cannot be trusted near any sort of ledges or stairs. He pulls up, cruises, and has started climbing stairs. Within the last month, we have transitioned from breastmilk to formula. He was self-weaning, and I had mastitis 3 times, so it was time. At first, I was a little sad, but I know it was the right thing for both of us. He has sweet little cheeks, big blue eyes, and the softest hair! 

As far as his likes and dislikes go, he loves riding in the stroller, sleeping, all of his siblings, eating most foods, drinking from the bottle, and the pacifier. Things that he doesn't like include missing out, being away from his mom, being stuck in his car seat, and being tired but not in his crib.

Bode is a reliable baby who really likes his sleep. He wakes up in the morning around 7:00am, and has a bottle of 8 ounces of formula at about 7:00am, 11am, 4:00pm, and 7:00pm. He also eats solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At 7:00pm, he goes down for the night with a bottle and a couple minutes of cuddling. 

Bode has reached some more milestones over the last two months. He is crawling all over the place and pulling up to a stand. He recently started cruising a little bit too. He can climb up a couple of stairs, but not down, so he needs to be watched closely. He has gone into a bear crawl a few times too! He is getting more vocal little by little, and seems to understand a few commands! He will lift his arms above his head for "so big." He definitely knows his name, and will come towards you when you say his name. I think he knows what the word "no" means too because he usually hesitates when he hears it. I also think he might be teething again. He is currently drooling a lot and always has his hands in his mouth. He's eating lots of baby food, and quite a bit of table food too. He really likes chickpeas, sweet potatoes, cheerios, yogurt melts, mum mums, PB and J sandwiches, and strawberries. He weighed 18 lbs, 5 ounces at his 9 month appointment, but he hadn't gained as much as the doctor had hoped, so we came in two weeks later and he was up to 18 lbs, 12 ounces. He's wearing size 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers.

We love our baby Bode sooooo much!

Winter Wonderland!

We've been doing lots of fun (mostly indoor) winter activities! Here are some pictures to tell the tales:

Brooks and Jon went to a Vikings game for Brooks' birthday!

Morning yoga!

Sweet baby!

Everyone likes to give Bode a bottle.

Quinnie had a small scratch on her arm that she referred to as her, "broken arm."

Brooks's lego creation.

Little army crawler.

Playing with some Christmas presents.
A drone.

A newer trick, pulling up to knees.

Badger fans for the Rose Bowl.

Kylie and I got pedicures for her belated birthday gift.

We went to a birthday party, got faces painted.

We went skiing with the Yuans, just the parents and big kids.
L to R: Blair, Halle, Jon, Brooks, Kylie, me, and Kristen.

Elsa and Anna, aka Emme and Quinn.

Just relaxing!

More tricks!

Poor Quinnie had hand, foot, and mouth disease. 
She looked awful with a rash on her face, arms, legs and bottom.

Bode loves his big brother!

Bode had a blow out at Kylie's basketball practice, and it was below zero outside. Unfortunately for him, I had extra clothes for Quinn but not Bode. So he got to don a dress for a couple hours. Quinn said, "Bode's a princess." :)

Kylie went with Jon to a quick conference in Arizona.
I think the both had a blast!

Family game night!

Sweet Bode and Wild Child Quinn at the RAC.

We celebrated cousin, Lydia's birthday at Air Insanity.

Grandpa JJ and 3 of his granddaughters.

Quinnie's first pigtails.

This girl was so tired so fell asleep standing up!

Big boy is pulling up!

Valentine's Day!

We took a very quick 3 day trip to Florida!

Best friends, Bode and Warren.

Sweet girls, Quinn and Emme.

We took a day trip to MOA.
Quinn had fun riding a few rides.

Super Grandma housed a baby goat named Tori.
She was so cute!

Goat Tori loved Bode.

Watching Kylie at tennis.

Lego boy!

Brooks' class performed in the K-2 Operetta.
He had a decent sized speaking part, and he nailed it!

We celebrated cousin, Tori's birthday.
It was bunny themed!

Brooks has gotten really into wrestling, which makes his father extremely happy!
Here he is trying on his new head gear!

It was a pretty good winter! Hoping spring is just as fun!