Thursday, September 24, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday, Bode!

Happy FIRST Birthday to Bode Jonathan!

On May 8th, Bode turned 1 year old! It has been the fastest, longest, weirdest year yet. We had a bit of a rough start, but Bode has become a sweet and happy baby! Although, quarantine has been rough for some of us, Bode has loved having everyone around and doting on him ALL the time. He loves being around his family, is slightly skeptical of strangers, and moves non stop! He crawls, cruises and climbs stairs at an alarmingly fast rate. He has to be watched closely these day. He transitioned seamlessly to the sippy cup and whole milk and loves a drink first thing in the morning and right before bed. He is a cute little peanut with a sweet smile and communicative eyes!

As for his current likes and dislikes, he loves his pacifiers (he currently sleeps with 8), playing with balls, being chased, sleeping, taking baths, being with his family, and playing outside. He also loves playing in the dishwasher, cabinets, and drawers. He dislikes being strapped in his stroller or car seat when not moving, not being allowed to go into rooms that are blocked, getting his diaper changed, and most vegetables.

Bode is still a great sleeper. He wakes up in the morning around 7:00am, and has a cup of milk. He also eats solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At 7:00pm, he goes down for the night after a cup of milk. He has officially moved into Brooks' room and is doing very well sharing with his brother!

Bode has recently reached some more milestones. He is crawling and cruising a lot. He has gotten very fast! He can climb up and loves to make his way up to the play room. He has started walking with his walker too. He has gotten much more vocal. He babbles a lot and makes the "dada" and "mama" and "baba" consonant sounds. He has started waving, more for bye than for hi. And my favorite, he clicks his tongue when he his hungry and is wanting to eat! :) He has 12 teeth including his molars. He's eating lots of baby food. He especially likes it in pouches. He's doing pretty well with table food too, though he seems to be boycotting vegetables. He seems to like chickpeas, sweet potatoes, cheerios, yogurt melts, mum mums, PB and J sandwiches, strawberries, bananas, grapes, yogurt, pizza, and chicken nuggets. He weighed 21 lbs, 3 ounces and was 30 inches long at his 12 month appointment, He's wearing size 12-18 month clothing and size 4 diapers.
Bode was so spoiled at his THREE birthday parties.
We tried to keep our circles separate from each other, so we had a Barlow party, a King party and a friend party!

He loves his cakes!

Some of his gifts: a new bike and a basketball hoop for the ball lover!

And his 11 month picture since I forgot to do an 11 month post!
Poor 4th child!

We love this sweet baby boy so much! Here's to another wonderful year!

Spring 2020: Quarantine Chronicles

 The spring of 2020 was one for the books. We spent our days at home in quarantine because of the coronavirus epidemic. Kylie and Brooks were distance learning, and we tried hard to get creative with our activities. Here are some of the fun things we did at home!

The Harts came to visit for a weekend right before the start of the mandatory quarantine.

Kylie and Annie both like to bake, and they made a delicious cake!

St. Patrick's Day!

There were lots of crafts and science experiments.

These were our first DQ treats of the season!

Bike rides have become one of our favorite things!

Cute boy!

Kylie baked A LOT! 
She is easily the best baker in the house!

The weather was actually quite cooperative, and we got to enjoy the outdoors quite a bit!

Blue bells!

Quinn liked to do "school" too.
Here she is working on her colors!

Lava lamps!

Jon was working from home for about 6 weeks.
It was great to have some extra time with him.

These two are best friends and worst enemies.
I caught them in a best friend moment here!



Game night!

Happy Easter!

We couldn't spend the holiday with the Barlow's like we had planned, so Kylie and Brooks whipped up a coffee cake just like Grandma's!

Love this!

Bode became quite mobile!

Virtual Field Day for RCLS!

Homemade ice cream sandwiches to celebrate!

The kids finished the school year with a drive thru parade to wave good-bye to all of their teachers!