Friday, August 30, 2013

More Pictures!

Another picture post full of pictures of my babies having fun!

 Kylie is 2 years and 9 months old today!

 "I'm going for my run."
Notice her running gear: the pink headband and red Toms.

 Brooks is pulling up to his knees.

 My friend, Danielle, is due on September 2nd. 
I may have procrastinated a little bit, but this is the quilt I made for her.
Thankfully, the quilt arrived to her, and the baby boy has not yet made his appearance.

 Practicing her doctor skills at the Please Touch Museum.
In Kylie-speak, she is, "yookin' for monkeys." :)

 I love my family!
Jon on his ipad.
Kylie wearing sunglasses and reading in her pink recliner.
Brooks watching Kylie.
Just a typical day in the life of the Barlows!

 We got to go to ANOTHER Phillies game!
This time we went with Joe and Catherine!
The Phillies won again!
It was super fun!

 Brooks got caught in the act of unrolling the toilet paper for the millionth time! :)

 Brooks is 9 months old!
Kylie had to get in on the picture taking action!

 She is such a daddy's girl.
Always snuggles right up next to him!

Kylie found this app on my phone.
This is what it'd look like if I had twin Kylies, I guess!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kylie is 33 months!

Kylie is 33 months old...That's 2 years, 9 months!

 She's saying, "cheese," but that makes her smile look silly!

How, oh how, can my little, preemie, sweet baby girl be 2 years and 9 months old?! Incredibly, her next blog update will be her THIRD birthday! What a big girl! As you can see from the pictures, she is definitely starting to look like a skinny, little kid and not a chubby toddler anymore. Kylie's personality is really starting to shine! She is still a sweet, loving, flexible, happy little girl. She is an amazing big sister who loves to help take care of her baby brother. She is smart, and her memory always surprises me! She is funny, and likes to "tease." She will often say things like, "Daddy's a big girl," then laugh and say, "I'm just teasing. Daddy's a boy!."

Kylie has many favorites these days, and she is starting to vocalize them, which is awesome. One cute thing that she says sometimes is that she wants to be a dentist when she grows up. This started with her trip to the dentist in June...We'll see if she feels the same after her next trip to the dentist! :) Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite food is pizza. Her favorite fruits are grapes and bananas. She loves milk and water, even over juice. Kylie told me this morning that, "I love Caillou," which is an obnoxious PBS Kids TV show that she is not allowed to watch. I think that's why she thinks she loves it. She actually watches Dora, Barney, and Sesame Street the most. She likes to play at the park, and go for runs/walks. One of her favorite pretend activities is "going for my run." She puts her pink headband and red Toms on, and runs around the apartment. Eventually she will say, "I'm so tired, mama. I need to walk." Ha! She likes to shop, especially at Target! A girl after my own heart! :) She likes to have her nails painted! She loves to read books and color. She likes to play in the sink. She calls it, "makin' dishes." Her favorite song is "Happy Birthday." She will put something on her head, or my head, or Brooks' head, like it's a birthday hat, and sing "Happy Birthday dear _______." It's very sweet!

Kylie is pretty easy-going, and doesn't have too many things that she dislikes or won't do. In general, if we are in a store, she doesn't like to ride in the stroller or shopping cart. She ALWAYS wants to walk. It can be a little slow and painful at times, but for the most part she does a good job. We have a rule that if she touches anything, she has to get back in the stroller/cart. She HATES that, so it usually works to keep her from getting into trouble. She doesn't like having her hair combed! She cries and says that it "so hurts" even before I touch the comb to her hair! She still does not like garbage trucks when we are outside. If she is inside, they are okay. She is a typical two year old, in that she has her moments when she disobeys, says "No," hits her brother, or won't eat something I want her to eat. Whenever any of those things occur (usually a few times each day), she goes to time-out. She is supposed to think about why she is in time-out, and has to tell us about it when she is done. If she can't do that, she goes back to time-out until she can. She is also supposed to apologize, and give a kiss and hug to whoever she committed the crime against. Some days it works, some days it doesn't...we are just going with it! :)

As for milestones, her language development continues to be the most obvious and most fun! She learns new words everyday, and her sentence structure is becoming more complex. She tells stories in many sentences linked together. She sings songs. She almost knows the whole alphabet song, and can recognize about 1/3 to 1/2 of the letters. She can count to 10 with help...If she is counting alone, she skips 3, 4, and 5 every time. She knows how old she is ("two and half"), that she will be 3 at her next birthday, and that her birthday is November 19th. She knows lots of colors, and many body parts. One thing she has started doing that is a little worrisome for me is stuttering. From what I have read, it is pretty common for kids her age since their little brains are working faster than their mouths, but it still makes me a little nervous. I hoping that she outgrows it soon! As for gross motor, the changes are more subtle than when she was younger, but she is running really well now. She rarely trips and falls, which for those of you who were around her a lot just a few months ago know, that this is a HUGE accomplishment! She is jumping really well, and can balance on one foot for a few seconds. She is still really slow on the stairs, but I feel comfortable letter her walk both up and down as long as she is holding a railing versus making her sit and scoot down. She is becoming extremely independent and likes to do everything, "by myself," especially brushing her teeth, and putting on her shoes! Socially, she is pretty shy when she first meets someone, but warms up after 5-10 minutes. She likes to play with one other kid at a time. If there are a lot of kids around, she sticks pretty close to me. She is in between the parallel play stage, and the actually playing with others stage. I see a mix of both when she is with other kids. Unfortunately, we haven't had too much interaction with kids her age here, so I think her social skills could suffer. I'm working to get her involved in some classes this fall...Hopefully, she (and I) can make some friends! Kylie is still my flexible, little sleeper. Through all of our moves, she has maintained her excellent sleep schedule. She still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, and 11-12 hours at night. She shares a room with Brooks, and manages to sleep through his outbursts! :) Her potty training, on the other hand, has regressed a bit. She does great during the day, and never has accidents. During nap time, however, she will wake up wet about twice a week, and over night she wakes up wet everyday. So she is wearing pull-ups for night time and nap time. :( She is still sleeping in her crib, so I am hoping that when we move her to a toddler bed, she will be able to get up and take herself to the bathroom rather than going in her pull-up! She eats pretty well, but is becoming pickier in her old age. She is easy to please for breakfast and lunch...She likes most things that typical toddlers like (PB and J, pizza, mac n' cheese, fruit, carrots, etc...), but at supper time she will put up a fight, especially if we are eating a hot dish or casserole. Something about having all of the foods mixed together freaks her out a bit, I think! :) Kylie is still pretty tall for her age, and has really thinned out recently. She is wearing all 3T clothes. Some of her shirts are even getting a little short, so I bet she'll be wearing some 4T things by her birthday! She is also wearing size 8 or 8.5 shoes.

I had to include just one more picture!
This is during nap time the other day.
She took her pillow case off of her pillow and is wearing in like a sleeping bag!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Picture Time Again...

Our week in pictures...

 Just hanging out...

 This is Brooks' favorite position lately.
Downward Dog!

 Swinging at the park!

 A trip to the zoo with our new friends!

 We picked up Federal Donuts on Saturday morning!
The are delicious!
Yes, they also sell fried chicken at this donut shop.
I don't get it, but it's supposed to be really good!
Guess we'll have to go back and try it! :)

A Phillies game date!

Philadelphia Adventures!

It's hard to believe, but we have officially lived in Philadelphia for a month! Well, the Philadelphia area, since we stayed with Joe and Catherine for 3 weeks in Collingswood, NJ.

We have been in our apartment for a little over a week, and we are starting to feel settled. We finally have all of our things, and I only slightly over packed. We downsized to a two-bedroom, 900 square foot apartment, and I had to try to visualize where everything would fit purely based on the floor plan from the website. I had never seen the apartment, or Philly for that matter, before moving here. Anyway, I think I did okay! Our THREE closets are literally packed full from floor to ceiling, and we had to donate two big boxes of stuff, but other than that, we fit!

Jon has been working for two weeks now, and he is really loving it! His schedule is AMAZING, so we have had a lot of family time, AND the days that he does work, he spends a lot of time in the O.R. which is his favorite part of his job!

I'd say the biggest change about living in a big city is getting around. We only have one car here, and it's parked about a block away in a parking garage. I rarely use it unless I need to run to Target or Ikea (which is only 3 miles away, but through a sketchy part of town, so I wouldn't dare walk), which is generally a weekend adventure. I will also use it a little more regularly when the weather is cold so that we can go to the Children's Museum, which is about a 10 mile drive. Jon has a parking spot at one of the hospitals, but he can also take the subway, so he drives if I don't need the car (because it's faster and he can sleep later). He also has one day a week out in the suburbs so he has to drive that day. Other than that, we have been walking everywhere, which I really enjoy! We are about 3-5 blocks away from 3 different parks, about 3 blocks away from 2 different little grocery stores, and there are restaurants, convenience stores, coffee shops on every corner. All the things we need are just steps from our door! It's great so far...We'll see if I'm singing a different tune come winter time when I have to bundle two little kids up everyday! :)

As for our adventures...We have spent a lot of time at the different parks. Two of the close ones are just green space with little statues everywhere. To my surprise, Kylie loves them. She runs in the grass, climbs the statues, and chases pigeons! It helps that they are just swarming with other kids her age! The other park has a playground, which is pretty nice, so we go there once in a while too. There is also a really nice trail along the river that we have been walking/jogging along now that we have the Double BOB back! We have spent A LOT of time at Ikea and Target picking up furniture, accessories, and groceries for our apartment. Those trips have been true adventures! When we bought our couch at Ikea, we realized it wasn't going to fit in the car with the car seats in there, so I had to walk with the kids to Target (about 1/2 mile away) while Jon brought the couch home and carried it up to our apartment by himself. Let's just say, no one was happy that day! :) We went the the Please Touch Museum, which is a MASSIVE children's museum with two floors of exhibits for the kids to play with...We were there for 2 hours, and only discovered about 1/3 of the exhibits. We bought a yearly membership, so we'll be back A LOT! We also walked to the Reading Terminal Market, which is a huge, indoor, daily farmer's market! It was awesome! I can't wait to go back there! We have also been shopping on Walnut Street, which is the downtown area with all of the stores...Banana Republic, Anthropolgie, Gap to name a few! Before we left Rochester my friend, Sara, connected me with a friend of hers who lives in Philly. So, last week, we met up with Ashley and her two girls (who are the same ages as my kids) at the Philadelphia Zoo. I had a lot of fun meeting a new friend, and Kylie LOVED playing with someone her own age! Finally, Jon and I got to enjoy a Phillies baseball game on Sunday! Jon got the tickets from his attending physician, and we were able to find a babysitter on short notice. The Phillies even WON a game for us! Philly has been fun and full of adventures for us!

Fixing cars at the Please Touch Museum!

Playing at the GIANT water table at the Please Touch Museum!

Walking through the Reading Terminal Market!

Posing with a goat statue at Fitler Square!

 At the zoo!
L to R: Ashley holding Holly, Natalie, Kylie, and me holding Brooks.

Row 16 at the Phillies Game!

The Phillies won!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fun in the Florida Sun!

We had intended on spending Jon's vacation time in Philadelphia getting to know the city and exploring, but fate would have it a different way! :) It was SO hot in Philly (like upper 90's, low 100's), and our friends' kitchen was being demolished, and Jon had ZERO work obligations, and his parents were already going to be in Florida, AND plane tickets were super cheap...So we hopped on a plane and headed down to Amelia Island to join Jon's parents for a week in the warm (but not too warm) sun.

We definitely spent our time relaxing with no real agenda. We slept in, walked on the beach, swam every day, ate at Chick-Fil-A TWICE, enjoyed other (much nicer) restaurants, window shopped in Fernandina Beach, went for morning runs (actually just I did that), and drove down to Jacksonville to meet up with some residency friends who happen to be rotating down there right now!

The week flew by. Kylie LOVED spending time with Grandma Kriss and Grandpa Doug. Brooks really loved the swimming! He flaps his arms and kicks his legs as hard and as fast as he possibly can. Jon loved relaxing with no obligations for the first time in a LONG time, and I loved my morning jogs! It was so fun, and we are so glad we did it! Thank you, Doug and Kriss, for sharing your condo and your vacation with our rowdy family! We had so much fun!

 On the airplane on the way to Florida!

 Just hanging out!

 This is the view from the condo.
That's a full moon over the ocean.

 Love that little burrito!

 Kylie and Brooks were not loving the beach as much as mommy and daddy.
It was a short-lived adventure! :)

 One of Kylie's favorite activities, playing with play-do!

 Fernandina Beach is a town on Amelia Island.
It's super cute with lots of little shops and beachy restaurants.
This is "Thomas the Train" as Kylie calls it, zooming through town.

 Here we are on the Water Way side of town!

 Kylie admiring a shark! 
Don't worry, it's not real! 

 Kylie learned a new joke about pirates.
It goes, "What's a pirate's favorite letter?" 
"Rrrrr," said in a pirate voice while making a hook with her fingers.

 We drove to the Cracker Barrel in Jacksonville (about 40 minutes away), to have dinner with the Camps and Yuans.
L to R: Kylie, Annabelle, and Halle

 And the mamas: Kristen, me, Erica.
It was so good to see them!

Brooks is 8 months!

 Our Mr. Mister is 8 months old!

Way back on July 27th, Brooks turned 8 months old! He is growing up too fast! My baby is almost not a baby anymore! AHHH! Brooks is so sweet, smiley, and active. He is constantly moving, talking, flirting, or eating! He loves people. He smiles at everyone, flirts with girls, and talks to anyone who will listen! He is the happiest boy, and his sweet smile makes my heart melt! Watch out ladies!

As I alluded to above, Brooks loves to move. When he is out and about, he army crawls, rolls, and maneuvers his way around. When he is strapped in his car seat, stroller, or high chair, he is constantly flailing his arms or wiggling his legs. Like most babies, he LOVES attention. He giggles, squeals, and squeaks until he has your undivided attention. When he is not getting the attention that he feels he deserves, he will cry, whine, or scream until you look at him...Then he flashes his adorable, gummy smile! This boy is also loving table food. He has to be eating when others are eating around him or else he throws a fit. If it's not bottle time or baby food time, then I give him bits and pieces of our meal. He gobbles it up as fast as I can put it on his plate, then begs for more! I hope he is always a good eater! Brooks still likes to take strolls in the stroller, and riding in the car seat. He is still addicted to the pacifier, and I am starting to dread weaning him off that as much as I dread getting his big sister off her thumb! We learned on our road trip and Florida vacation that Brooks LOVES to swim! When he gets in the water, he slaps at the water and kicks his legs THE.ENTIRE.TIME! It is awesome. He works so hard for so long that he ends up breathing really hard and you can feel his heart racing! Dare I say we have the next Michael Phelps on our hands! :) His love for the water has carried over to bath time as well. There is a lot of splashing, squealing, and playing on his part! His favorite toys right now are books (to chew on), balls, balloons, anything that makes loud, obnoxious noises, and shoes (again to chew on...gross!) His favorite foods right now seem to be any kind of fruit. And I think his favorite person is now Kylie (over me)! He adores watching her play, talking to her, and being close to her!

There are also several things that Brooksie clearly does not like. As I mentioned, he does not like to be left alone or not receive attention. He doesn't like to be the only one who isn't eating. He gets frustrated when he can't reach a desired toy. When he is frustrated he will slap at the ground with both hands! He will also make it obvious that he is displeased with lots of screams and shrieks. It's slightly unpleasant!

Brooks is changing so fast, and reaching milestone after milestone. It seems like he learns a new gross motor skill every day. He is not full on crawling yet, but he will take two or three crawling steps before dropping to his tummy to army crawl the rest of the way to his destination. He can sit independently, and push up to a sitting position. He has mastered the downward dog, and seems to enjoy looking around from this position! I am working very hard to capture this in a picture, but every time I try, he has moved on before I can get the camera ready. His fine motor skills seem to be coming along too. He is working on his pincer, and gets lots of practice with the table foods. He brings every thing to his mouth, objects big and small...Time to baby proof again! His language skills are developing as well. During the last month, he has started to make some consonant sounds. He does  "ga ga" and "da da" very well. I'm working extremely hard on "ma ma." It took Kylie 15 or so months before she said it, so I'm really hoping Brooks will give me the pleasure much sooner! Brooks is currently teething again, which has made him (as I'm sure it would make anyone) a little edgy. He is working on his top two front teeth...They are just about to break through. I'm pretty sure they are going to be some big chompers! It will change his whole appearance quite a bit, I think. He is becoming a better sleeper, though I say that now during nap time and I can hear him whining when he is supposed to be sleeping. Anyway, he is generally sleeping 11-12 hours at night, from about 8pm-7/8am. He takes a morning nap from about 9:30am-10:30/11am, and an afternoon nap from about 1:30-3/3:30pm. He is taking four bottles per day at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm. Each bottle is between 6-8 ounces of breastmilk. I'm still pumping, though I'm down to three times per day, and making just enough to get through each day, which is about 27-29 ounces. So my supply has dropped a bit, but I'm okay with that as long as Brooks is getting enough! He is also eating baby food at breakfast and dinner, and sometimes at lunch. And I always give him little bits of table food as well. He is loving puffs, mum mums, cheerios, bread, cheese, peas, potatoes, pasta, and most everything else I've put on his tray. Clearly, the kid is not starving. I have no idea what his height or weight is at, but we will find out within the next month at his 9 month well child appointment. Lastly, Brooks is still wearing size 3 diapers, but has moved up to 6-9 month and 6-12 month clothes depending on the brand.

Brooks is such a sweet, happy boy. We love his active, fun personality already! We can't wait to watch him continue to grow and develop into charming, loving little man! Being his mom and dad are two of the best jobs in the world!

Philly or Bust!

 Our Uhaul pods are packed full!

One hot day in the middle of July, Jon and I packed all of our possessions into two UHaul pods. For the most part, the packing went well, with the exception of "Mattress Gate" and "Box Gate." Mattress Gate entailed Jon and I trying to move our king size mattress out of the basement into the pod by ourselves. I was on top, Jon was below. We basically had to fold the mattress in half to fit it up the stairs. Unfortunately, we still managed to get the corner of the mattress stuck on every step. It was too heavy for me to lift it up off the step, and Jon just kept pushing forward. I suppose he thought the forward momentum would be helpful to me, but it wasn't. I ended up getting my foot caught under the mattress which was stuck on the step, over and over and over again. After about three or four times of this same thing happening, Jon ended up just pushing and lifting the entire mattress up himself! Ha!

Box Gate happened when we were driving between our two storage units. We had to empty one of them, move several boxes from both of them into the pods, and put any left over things that we didn't need for the year into our second one. We had the pick-up truck piled high with boxes. As we were cruising down Highway 63, a pretty busy two lane highway, one of the boxes floated off the back and landed in the middle of the road. So we quickly turned around and parked on the side of the road, as cars swerved, honked, and whizzed by the box. Eventually, Jon was able to dangerously frogger his way out there to pick up the box. He literally shoved it in to the passenger seat on top of me. It was uncomfortable, but at least everyone survived Box Gate 2013!

The next morning, after a few previously forgotten errands (bank, post office, gas station), we hit the road for our 20 hour drive to Philly! Our caravan included our car with Jon, me, Kylie, and Brooks, and my mom's car with my mom and Mia, and most of the stuff we would need for the three weeks we would be without a home!

I need to back up for a second...Over the weekend, our car's battery had been giving us signals that it might be on it's last leg. Of course, on Sunday night, it became clear that we would need a new battery asap! Instead of waiting around Stewie on Monday morning, we jumped the car so we could start driving. A few minutes into the drive, Jon called the Farm and Fleet in Madison, WI to see if we could get an appointment. They had an opening at 12:30pm, which fit perfectly into our driving schedule. After a quick bathroom break in Mauston, WI (in which Kylie yelled, "We're in Philly!"), we arrived in Madison at exactly 12:30pm. While our car was being fixed, we ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant. By 2:00pm, the car was back in tip top shape, and we were on the road again!

We managed to only need to stop every 2-3 hours on the first day's journey. We drove through Wisconsin, Illinois (via Bloomington), and part of Indiana on day one! We stopped in Indianapolis for the night.

Miss Kylie taking her afternoon nap in the car!

 Swimming at the hotel at our stop in Indy!

The next morning, we were on the road by about 8:00am. We really wanted to try to make it all the way to Philly that night so the kids could have their own space to sleep. We pushed it even a little more the second day, stopping only every 3-4 hours for bathroom breaks. The kids were amazing. Brooks slept on and off, ate in his car seat, and was generally happy. Kylie became a vegetable and watch a marathon of movies, but you gotta' do what you gotta' do to survive a road trip like that. That day we drove out of Indiana, through Ohio, and all the way across Pennsylvania! We arrived in Philly around 8:30-9:00pm! We stayed with our friends, Joe and Catherine, at their home for the three weeks that we were homeless! They were awesomely accommodating, giving the kids their own room, and us our own room! They even cooked many meals for us! We are so grateful for such wonderful friends!

 When we arrived in Philly, they were experiencing a major heat wave.
The temps were in the high 90's/low 100's each day.
Taking a dip in my mom and Mia's hotel pool was just what we needed!

My mom and sister stayed in Philadelphia with us for two more days. We enjoyed exploring the city, going out to eat, and hanging out with them. We stopped by our apartment (which we weren't moving into for three more weeks). We walked around our new neighborhood. We visited the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. And we went to Atlantic City to walk along the Boardwalk. It was a lot of fun, and we will miss them so much this year!

Independence Hall.

Waiting in line for the Liberty Bell.

Posing by the Liberty Bell!

At Washington Square.

The Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier.

There are several locations where Jon will be working.
This is the Center City Jefferson Hospital location.

At the Atlantic Ocean in Atlantic City, NJ!