Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Happy Half Birthday to Quinnie Boo!

Happy Half Birthday to our sweet Quinn!

Quinn had her first bites of solid food on January 21st.

She is also starting to learn how to sit up!

At six months old, Quinn is sleeping through the night consistently. She goes to bed around 7:15-7:30pm and wakes up in the morning between 7-7:30am. We dropped the dream feed the day she turned 6 months old. During the day, her desire to nap has become more predictable. She is typically tired around 9:15am, 12:30pm, and 3:30pm. Poor girl usually takes her morning nap in her carseat. She falls asleep while we are driving the kids to school. She'd love to take a nice, long snooze in the morning, but it usually ends up being about 30 minutes because we are typically out running errands or heading to the RAC. Her afternoon nap has been lasting about an hour to two hours, and she is almost always in in her crib for that one. She likes to try to sneak a cat nap in sometime in the late afternoon as well, but I have been trying to not let her take that one so she sleeps better at night. If we end up driving somewhere around 4 or 5pm she will likely get a quick nap in while we are driving, but wakes up as soon as we get where we are going. She eats every 3-4 hours, and is exclusively breastfeeding, and eating a few solid foods. Right now, I just give her food at dinner time because of convenience, but soon I plan on giving her food in the morning as well. She has eaten oatmeal cereal, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and applesauce. I have also given her teeny, tiny pieces of bread. :) She had her 6 month appointment on February 14th, and finally got her first (of two) flu shot! She weighed 15 pounds, 11 ounces and was 26 inches long! She dropped to the 40th percentile for weight, which the pediatrician wasn't too thrilled about, but she looks healthy so we'll see how she does at her next appointment. She was about the 50th percentile for height. Quinn is still wearing 3-6 month clothing with some 9 month onesies thrown in, size 3 diapers, and size 1 shoes.

Here are some of her milestones and accomplishments from the past month: Quinn can now roll over well from back to front, AND from front to back. She has a third bottom tooth that came through on Feb. 17th. I'm sure more teeth are on their way...She's been drooling quite a bit recently. She sits in the bumbo to eat, and loves ALL attention. She is working on her pincer grasp, can hold two objects in two different hands at the same time, and is enthralled by zippers and buttons. She likes to practice sitting up, but will face plant after a minute or so. She is starting to push up to her hands and knees and army crawl a little bit. I think it's time to baby proof! She is such a sweet, sweet girl. She almost always talks before she cries, as if to say, "I'm getting sad, please come and get me." She rewards us with lots of smiles and giggles, especially first thing in the morning! And my favorite thing of all, when she is hungry she makes a sucking sound to let me know it's time to eat! 

We love our Quinnie Button more than words can say. What a perfect addition she has been to our family!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Snow Fun!

Our first winter back in Minnesota has been glorious. We are loving all of the snow, and the snow days that come with it. It's also been relatively mild, so we've been able to enjoy many winter activities. Now that February is coming to an end, it actually feels like winter has flown by. Let's hope March is more spring-like than winter-like!

I found this on my phone.
Silly girl.

Our biggest snow fall was about 10 inches.
It was beautiful, wet, sticky snow.

Kylie took a ski bootcamp one weekend in January with her friend, Annabelle.
She loved it, and can't wait to ski again.

Chick-Fil-A opened here in Rochester.
You better believe I was there on opening day...and 4 times since then! :)

Quinnie and her friend, Emme.

I hosted a baby shower for Mia (and failed to take any pictures), and Mia's MIL and SIL also hosted one for her.
Here is Grandma Susan holding sweet Quinn and one of those showers.

Kylie reading in a handstand.

We went to the Ice Castles in Stillwater, MN.
It was fun, but a little cold, so Quinn and I only lasted a half an hour.

Kylie helping me take Quinn's 6 month picture.

Kylie has been playing basketball this winter.
She is enjoying it and improving everyday.
She even made two baskets in the last game!

We went up to Hudson to celebrate Elias' 8th birthday.
We did a lot of sledding while we were there.

Broooks wrote out all of his Valentine's.

He has also figured out how to make Quinn really laugh!

My Valentine's Day sweethearts!

We did spend another Saturday skiing with friends.
Both Brooks and Kylie have really picked it up!

Jon and I celebrated Valentine's with a date night in.
I did a beer tasting for him.

Kylie and Brooks like to ride their EZ Riders around the house.
Apparently Quinn needed to join in on the fun!

Snow Day science experiments.

Brooks has just started to pick up reading.
He's doing well with his first set of BOB Books, and mediocre with Dick and Jane.

Quinnie is pushing up really well these days.

A beautiful winter sunset!

Florida Vacation 2018!

Sanibel Island, FL 
Barlow Family Vacation 2018

Upon arrival, we immediately hit the beach.

Sanibel is known for it's shells.
We collected hundreds and it was one of the highlights for all of us.

Our animal lover, Brooksie, requested a trip to a zoo.
The nearest one was the Naples zoo about an hour away.

More beach walking.

The second day was the warmest day, and the only day we were hot enough to brave the pool.

We went mini golfing, and on a nature walk through JD "Ding" Darling Nature Preserve on day three.
We even saw a real, wild alligator.


I love silly signs.

We found tons of sand dollars.

Brooks and Quinn.

Day four was by far the coldest, like morning temps in the 30s.
Kylie and I had a pedicure, and then we all went to a movie.

On our last full day, we decided to take a boat ride out to a little island for a shell collecting adventure.
The boat ride lasted about 20 minutes and it was FRIGID.
It was still cool once we were there, but totally worth it.
We walked around the island and collected some really cool shells.

This is about half of our shells.
Kylie wanted to give one to everyone in her class.
Also, a highlight for Jon, he found the third rarest shell, called a Scotch Bonnet.
Everyone on the boat, including the hardcore collectors, were very impressed and a little jealous.

Sadly, our vacation came to an end all too quickly.
Here we are saying good bye to the beach!