Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kylie's 8 Month Photos!

Kylie's 8 month photos are in, and they are very cute! You can check them out at: www.racheleagle.com. Once on the site, click Clients. Her album passcode is kylie. When you enter, you'll see 2 albums: her newborn and her 8 month images. Click the 8 month album to see the new proofs. Let me know what you think!

The Fair!

The three little girlies at the fair. This is Kinsley (Catherine and Louie's daughter), Kylie, and Ellasen (Rebecca and Tim's daughter).

Today was a BIG day in the life of Kylie! She got to go to the Olmsted County Fair for the first time ever! But if she is anything like her mama, it was just the first of many, many, MANY trips! :)

It was a wonderful day for the fair. We (well actually just I) ate lots of fried fair food. I had a delicious corn dog, tasty cheese curds, and yummy mini donuts! All of my favs! After we ate, we visited many different animals such as goats, sheep, rabbits, chickens, horses, and cows. Before we left, we stopped by the "Miracle of Birth" exhibit and witnessed a baby calf being born. It was a little disturbing, and not just because the vet used both of his full arms to pull the baby out. This calf may or may not have survived because she was upside down in her mom and swallowed lots of fluid before she was born. She was in respiratory distress after she was born, and we left before she recovered. I am just going to believe that she made a full recovery. Other than the calf mishap, it was a fun and successful first trip for Kylie!

And don't you worry...We're headed back for more! We LOVE the fair!

Kylie was thoroughly enjoying herself at the bunny exhibit!

Again, she is really loving the pigs!

I had to post a pic of the goats...My favorite fair animals!
I can't wait to own two of my very own!

A couple of sheep dressed up in their 80's Richard Simmons dance spandex!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

8 Months!

Kylie is 8 months old!

"Okay, Gloweem, mom's not looking...I'm going to nibble on your ear."

I know it is hard to believe, but our "little" Kylie Bean is 8 months old today. She is just so wonderful and perfect and I feel so blessed to be her mama! I love that little bugger so much!

Kylie is changing and growing a lot these days. She is at a really fun stage (though I hear every stage is the best stage). She can't move around too much so I don't have to chase her, but she is really interactive which is AWESOME! A perfect balance...

Kylie is still rolling all over the place, and she is starting to sit independently. She will usually sit up for about 10-20 seconds before tipping over. She likes to grab her feet and lounge in "happy baby" pose. She is also a wiggler...She lays on the floor and moves her tummy, tenses her legs, and just wiggles around. She is still vocal making lots of cooing and squealing sounds (no words yet)...I'm pretty sure we have a chatterbox on our hands. Besides when we tickle her, she has laughed out loud for us about 5 times. She thinks my parents' dog, Claire, Witten Hartzler, and her dancing daddy are all really funny! She is eating some solid foods, though we are taking it slow. She has rice cereal in the mornings and green beans in the evenings. I am going to give her carrots next week. She really LOVES to eat! She just gobbles it all down. It's a good thing she is eating real food, too, because she is getting her first TOOTH! Her bottom left tooth has poked through and the bottom right one is just under the surface. Needless to say, she has been a bit fussier than usual but nothing to complain about. Most of the time, she is a happy, smiley, content little baby!

As far as Kylie's growth, I am not sure on her weight. I would estimate that she is around 20-22 pounds. She has a doctor's appointment in mid August, so I will post that info. with her 9 month update. She is wearing 6-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 2 shoes. To give you an idea of just how perfectly chubby she is, all of her joints have dimples rather than bumps...

Professional Pictures

When Kylie was born, I signed her up for a photography package with Rachel Eagle Photography. It included her newborn session, as well as a 6 month and 1 year session. Because we were in Florida when Kylie turned 6 months old, we decided to have those photos taken at 8 months (she is only 6 months in her little mind after all). We did the 8 month session this past Saturday, and the photographer already has a sneak peek posted on her blog! I love them all and I can't wait for all of them to come back in a couple of weeks! In case you want to check out all of Rachel's photos, here is the link to her blog: http://racheleagle.com/

The Newest Barlow

Kylie has a new cousin and Jon and I have a new nephew! Last week, Jon's older brother, Tony, and his wife, Ingrid, welcomed their second baby boy. Espen Daniel Barlow was born on July 15th, 2011 and weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces. We were so excited that we were able to spend some time in Sioux Falls over the weekend to meet him, and to hang out with the fam! Espen is handsome and perfect in every way!!

Proud Barlow G-rents!

Auntie Em and Baby Espen!

Uncle Jon and Little E!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Freedom, Food, Family and Friends

July 4th, 2011

This picture will forever be special to me.
It is Kylie sitting in her Great-Grandpa King's lap for the last time.

It's been pretty crazy around here lately, which is why I am so slow to blog about our 4th of July festivities.

Our weekend began with the drive home from Florida. Luckily, it was extremely uneventful (unlike the drive down). We left Jacksonville on Thursday, June 30th ad drove about 8 hours a day for the next 3 days. We stayed in Chatanooga, TN on Thursday night...Although we didn't have time to sight-see, we did learn from driving around that it is a beautiful city at the base of the Appalachian Mountains. On Friday, we stayed in Hannibal, MO...The home of Mark Twain. I was excited about this town, but it was a disappointment. The city was not beautiful like I had imagined, and in fact was pretty run-down. Maybe I was just on the wrong side of the tracks...Who knows?!? Oh well. On Saturday, we cruised through Iowa and made it home by 3:30pm. And it felt sooooo good to be home! :)

Our goal was to make it home in time for the annual Orthopedic Surgery Welcome Picnic...and we did! So, Saturday evening we went to the Welcome Picnic for the incoming Orthopedic Surgery residents. It was a great time and really fun to see all of our Ortho friends after 3 months away!

Kylie started showing interest in eating during our last weeks in Jacksonville, but I didn't want to start solid foods down there. So on Sunday, July 3rd, she had her first taste of rice cereal. She seemed to be okay with the taste and texture, as she didn't make too many weird faces. She is still getting the hang of bringing food into her mouth rather than pushing it out with her tongue. She is getting much better now, but at first there was definitely more food coming out than going in.
Mmmm...Rice cereal!

July 3rd was also my 10 year class reunion, which I helped to organize. We had a fairly good turn out, and it was fun to see many of my old classmates again. Everyone seems to be doing really well, which is so great!

Kirsten Fryer and her husband, Justin.
Kirsten and I are also great friends from college.
AND she is the pastor who married Jon and me.

Brian, Gary and Kris.

Molly, Kris and me...Amanda was there too, but left before the picture.

For Kylie's first 4th of July, we did many of the traditional activities. We went down to Lake Florence Park in Stewie with my family for Arts in the Park and fried food. Then in the evening, we enjoyed the parade, in which my parents (the mayor and first lady) were a part. They rode in a horse and carriage this year!

Kylie was very festive in her red, white and blue!

My mom and dad in the parade.
My mom was taking pictures of us as we took pictures of them! :)

But the most special part of the whole weekend was that Kylie got to sit with my Grandpa King for the last time (see picture at top). Sadly, my grandpa passed away this past Sunday after a sudden illness and short hospitalization. We didn't know it would be the last time then, but we all got to spend a little more time with him during the parade. Most of his grandkids and all of his great-grandkids were there with him. I'm so grateful for those moments. I am so grateful for 28 years worth of wonderful memories. And I am so grateful that little pieces of Grandpa King will live on in me, in Kylie, and in all of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He will be missed!