Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy 6 Months, Brooks!

This sweet boy is 6 months old!

Well, I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again...How is my little baby six months old already? The time is going so fast! Brooks is such a sweet, loving baby, and he is growing and changing so quickly. He has big blue eyes, a little bit of light fluffy hair, chubby cheeks, and a big, beautiful smile that melts my heart! He has the best laugh, and thankfully he lets us hear it often. He laughs when we make funny noises, when we tickle him, and when we lift him high in the air. I might be a bit biased, but I think we may have a heart-breaker on our hands! :)

Brooks loves attention and flashes his adorable smile at anyone who will give him a little extra. Also, this boy LOVES to move! He figured out how to roll from back to front on May 1st, and has not stopped since. Whether laying on the floor, sitting in his car seat, or being held, his legs and arms are constantly moving. He still likes his car seat, especially when we are moving in the car. I can almost always count on him falling asleep while we are driving. He also likes to talk, squeal, and squeak. He really gets to talking when he has just woken up from a nap. Brooks likes to take baths, go for walks/runs in the stroller, and to eat/drink. Overall, he is a pretty easy-going baby, BUT he will definitely let us know when he is unhappy.

There are a few things that Brooks obviously does not like. The first, which I've mentioned before, is being tired. If he is over-tired, which typically happens in the evenings, he will cry/scream until he can calm down enough to fall asleep. He's gotten better, but I would say this happens 3-4 nights per week for about 5-10 minutes. That's not too horrible, but it really makes my blood pressure rise when he's like that! I just feel so bad for him! He is also starting to be vocal when we are eating and he is not. He definitely is going to have to start joining us at the table for meals! :) Brooks sometimes gets angry when he has to go a long time without attention. When I am getting ready in the morning, I often let him play on the floor where I can see him, but he can't necessarily see me. After about 15 or so minutes of this, he will whine until he can see me again. I'm glad he is a mama's boy, but I'm hoping he will learn to be able to entertain himself for a bit longer in the future!

Brooks is continuing to meet new milestones on a regular basis. Like I said, he started rolling from back to front on May 1st. Ever since that day, he has been a rolling machine! He is also starting to push up to his hands and knees, and planking! He has only done these moves a few times, for a very short amount of time, but I know it won't be long before he is crawling! He can sit independently for about 5-10 seconds before tipping over. He can also support his weight on his legs for pretty much as long as he wants. Although I know that he is about average, I am so excited about his gross motor skills because I am so used to being worried about my babes being behind their peers! Brooks had a physical therapy appointment yesterday, and his therapist was very excited about his progress. She said his neck is doing great, and is very strong. Also, there is almost no tilt anymore! He has another appointment scheduled for mid-June, but we are hoping that will be the last one! In the fine motor realm, Brooks can pick up toys, switch hands with them, and put them in his mouth! He has also learned how to put his pacifier in! YAY! That has been a great skill to have! Brooks is very grabby...He grabs at everything that is in his reach such as toys, hair, faces, silverware, Huey...EVERYTHING! Here we go with the baby-proofing again! Brooks seems to be a very social baby. Like I said he smiles at everyone who looks his way, and will talk to pretty much anyone who first talks to him. He is still an excellent night time sleeper, and he is starting to become a better napper as time goes on. He sleeps about 11-12 hours at night (but usually 11), and takes 2 or 3 naps each day. Because I am usually running around in morning, his first nap is usually in his car seat and can last for 45 minutes to 2 hours. His afternoon nap is coming along. The past few days, he has been napping for 1-2 hours in his pack n' play in the laundry room. I have him in there since Kylie naps in their bedroom, and I don't want them to wake each other up. He is still trying to sneak a nap in in the evening as well. This usually happens at about 6pm for about 30-45 minutes. I know I need to cut this out to get him to go to bed earlier, but he is SO crabby if he doesn't get it! Another new milestone is that Brooks has started eating solid foods. He has had rice cereal, peas, and sweet potatoes. So far, he has enjoyed all of them! I am hoping to start giving him some more veggies and some fruit soon too! He is still getting breastmilk in a bottle...about 28-30 ounces each day. But he just had a well-child appointment yesterday, and he isn't gaining weight quite as quickly as he should be, so I'm going to start giving him more like 32 ounces per day! :) Right now he eats about 7-8 ounces of milk, 4 times per day at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm, and he eats cereal after his 8am bottle, and veggies when we eat dinner around 6pm. At his appointment he weighed exactly 17 pounds (49th percentile), and was 26 inches long (49th percentile). He's pretty proportionate! He does not have any teeth yet, but I have a feeling he is working on some. He chews and drools constantly! Finally, Brooks is just making his way into 6-9 month clothes, and he is wearing size 3 diapers.

Being Brooks' mom and dad is one of the most rewarding gifts we have ever experienced! He is so sweet, happy, and loving, and it is just so fun to get to watch him grow and develop! Our little family of four is simply the best! We are so blessed! We love you so much, Brooksie Boy!

Weekly Picture Update

Another fun week with lots of time with friends! :)

Now that Brooks is on the move (rolling), I find him in lots of different hiding places!

The trees at Florence Park are in full bloom.
Also, the river is REALLY high (in the background) from lots of May showers.

We helped Sari set up for her garage sale. 
Kylie wanted to hold Brooks.
I think they both enjoyed their sibling bonding time.

My best friend from college, Erika, came down for a quick visit.
We had a fun time chatting, catching up, and eating at Chesters!

A fun dinner outing with the Hartzlers at Famous Daves.
All of the children wanted to be on Jon's lap! 

I ran in my 10th half marathon, The Med City.
I also set a new PR of 1 hour 52 minutes, or an 8:36 pace!
I can't wait to run another one! :)

Memorial Day!
My dad, the mayor, is in the passenger seat!

A Graduation and a Baptism!

As one Barlow is completing a phase of life, another is just beginning one. Jon received his Master's Degree in Biomedical Science on May 18th. He used his second year of residency to do some extensive research on elbow contractures, wrote several papers, and presented at many conferences. This past year, he finally completed all the Master's requirements by writing and defending his mere 80 page thesis! It was a lot of work, but now he can officially be Mr. Master Doctor! Ha! The ceremony was a typical loooong graduation ceremony, but it was so good to see Jon cross the stage to receive his second post-graduate hood and diploma. Also, Tom Brokaw gave the commencement address, which I found entertaining, but mostly annoyed Jon. It was a little preachy and liberal for my ultra-Repulican husband! :) Also, as you will see in the pictures, Jon was in the front row, thanks to the last name, and had the opportunity to photo-bomb every picture! Somehow he resisted the temptation, but it makes me laugh just to think about it!

Tom received an honorary doctor of letters degree.
Tom is standing in the black robe, and Jon is sitting in the front row on the right in this picture.

 Jon standing with his new gold hood and diploma.

 And the obligatory photo session! :)

While Jon is finally nearing the end of his education, Brooks is just beginning his, well, life! He was baptized into God's family on May 19th at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (the same place that Kylie was baptized), in front most of his family, and his Godparents, Tony and Ingrid Barlow, and Rob and Sari Hartzler! It was a memorable baptism for us...Brooks put on a show by spitting up a giant amount of milk, and Kylie talked about "poopy" the entire time. Oh well, at least they are cute! :) After the church service, we headed to Florence Park in Stewartville for lunch and pictures! It was a great day!

Brooks' baptism banner!

Our little family!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kylie is 2 1/2!

Kylie is 2 1/2 years old!

Our beautiful, wonderful, sweet, sassy girl turned 2 and 1/2 on May 19th. How fast the time flies! She is growing and changing at such an amazing rate...I can't believe she can say and do so many things. It's like she is becoming a real human being! :) She is a tall toddler, towering over most kids her age. She has dark, blonde curly hair, and big, sparkling blue eyes! She also has the cutest dimple on her left cheek! I cannot resist that sweet smile!

Like most 2 year olds, she has opinions on almost everything. Her favorite things right now are playing with friends and cousins, taking rides in the Double BOB, reading books, going to the park, getting her nails painted, and snacking on anything chocolate (especially num-nums, which are M&Ms). She loves playing outside on nice days. She enjoys going to the farm to see Super Grandma and Debbie. She likes the library, the mall, and church daycare. She likes to pick out her own shoes, and to choose her hairstyle. She loves drinking milk and water, and eating pouches, applesauce, PB and J sandwiches, mac n' cheese, and pizza. She loves her little brother, and sometimes gets sad when he is not with her. That is so sweet to see!

Luckily she is a pretty easy-going little girl, but she has started to develop some real fears lately. Her biggest fears are of "scary garbage trucks," and "scary school buses." When she sees or hears one, she starts crying and runs to one of her parents. At night, she fears the, "scary goofy door." I have no idea what that means, but I think she once had a nightmare that Disney's Goofy once came through her bedroom door. Although, she likes church daycare, she doesn't like to be dropped off. She almost always tears up, but I am told that she calms down within 30 seconds of me leaving. After I pick her up, she talks about how much fun it was, so I know she does like it. She still doesn't love bath time, though it has gotten better since she now takes her baths with Brooks. She likes to help me bathe him, but doesn't love when it is her turn. She is also horrible at being woken up in the morning or after nap time. If she wakes herself up, she is great, but if I have to wake her, she is extremely emotional and clingy for 15-30 minutes until she is fully awake.

As far as milestones, she has changed soooo much in the past three months since her last update. The biggest and best milestone is that she is potty trained! YAY for no more diapers! My mom started the process when we were on our trip in Florida, and I continued after I got home. She had two accidents with me during the first week, but has been accident free since then, which was a month ago! She still wears diapers over night, but wakes up dry almost every morning so I am just going to use up this last box and be done with that too! We are so proud of her! She also continues to make tons of progress in her language development. She talks in full sentences and sometimes tells stories that are several sentences long. She learns new words every day, and is speaking very clearly. She is trying to figure out pronouns, which can be very funny at times. She frequently says, "my" instead of, "I." For example, she says, "My do it." I think that is so cute. She also says, "Hold you," when she wants us to hold her. She sometimes adds syllables to words too. She says, "trianglegle" for triangle, and, "Chuck-e-e-Cheese," for Chuck-e-Cheese. She is definitely a two year old in that she is testing her boundaries. She spends many minutes each day in time-out for screaming, hitting, throwing toys, and saying "no" to mama. Thankfully, she seems to understand the concept of discipline and punishment, and will try not to disobey when she is in a good mood. Most of her outbursts occur when she is tired. She is running, jumping, and going up and down steps really well, though she trips and falls more than any other toddler I have ever met. But when you think about it, she has really only been walking for about 10-11 months, and most kids her age have been upright for at least 16-18 months. So she is going to be a little less coordinated than her peers. I just hope she grows out of it! :) She is still an amazing sleeper, which has been the biggest blessing with an infant in the house. She sleeps from about 8/8:30pm-7:30/8am, and most of the time she only wakes up because Brooks has woken her up. She also still naps for about 2-3 hours per day, from about 1:30-4/4:30pm. She is an excellent eater, though she has become a little pickier. She is tall and is wearing size 3T clothes and size 7 or 8 shoes.

We still feel so blessed to be able to be Kylie's mom and dad! She is such a fun, sweet, loving little girl, and she makes our lives so much better! I wouldn't trade one day of the last 2.5 years! We love you, Kylie Bean!

An eventful week!

We had a very fun AND eventful week last week. We enjoyed A LOT of outdoor fun because the weather was PERFECT! Over the weekend, Jon walked in his Master's Graduation, and we celebrated with his whole family. Then on Sunday, Brooks was baptized! It was wonderful to get to see so many of our family members!

 We saw a little duck family on our walk by Silver Lake!

 Jon asked for some protein bars to help get him through his long OR days.
These are of the homemade variety! :)

 Mr. Badger sunning himself at our first Oxbow trip of the season!

 Brooksie enjoying some sun!

 Tom Brokaw was the speaker at Jon's graduation.
Tom is standing in all black, and Jon is sitting with his legs crossed just to the right.

 Happy Baptism Day, Brooks King Barlow!
Jesus loves you! :)

Huey wanted some air time on the blog too!
How handsome is that hound?!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Catching up.

I know I have fallen a little behind on the pictures, so here are two weeks worth! As you will see, we have been having a lot of fun!

 Enjoying a nice, warm day at the park in Stewie!
She loves those tunnels!

 The weather turned a little cooler, but the flowers were finally blooming until...

 ...this happened!
A little more than a foot of snow on May 2nd!

 Despite the weather, we made the trek up to Hudson/Stillwater so Jon could interview with an Orthopedics group.
Small world: This woman, Amy, is married to one of the physicians in the group in Stillwater. 
Her husband did his residency at Mayo.
While they lived in Rochester, she worked at Macy's, formally Marshall Fields.
She knows my friend, Ruthie's, mom!
She wanted me to snap a pic to send to Ruth. :)

 Kylie and Elias enjoying some TV time.

I forgot to take a picture on the 5th! Boo!

 Enjoying some beautiful weather with our friends.
L to R: Ella, Annabelle, and Kylie
Notice the patch of snow still on the ground...UNREAL!

 This is Brooks at Physical Therapy for his neck.
He also had his head measured again!
Good news: NO helmet needed! 
His head is rounding out! YAY!

 I just love those chubby baby thighs!

 For as long as I can remember, we have participated in the Stewie City-Wide Garage Sale.

 Kylie and Helen playing in a for-sale sled at the garage sale!

 One of Kylie's favorite past-times: putting all of the Little People in a plastic baggy!

 Happy Mother's Day to me!
Jon was in Philly finding us an apartment, but to my surprise there were flowers and chocolates at my door!

Brooks started solid foods!
He is loving the rice cereal.
Next up: Peas!
Ignore the pink bib...I promise I will get his boy-colored bibs out soon! :)
Sorry, Brooksie!