Tuesday, April 19, 2011

5 Months!

Kylie is looking cute in her little flower skirt!

Kylie Bean is 5 months old today! In celebration of her 5 month birthday, we went to the Jacksonville Zoo with Sari and Witten (more on that later)! It was a blazing 89 degrees outside and pretty humid too. Kylie enjoyed her day by relaxing and sleeping in her stroller throughout the entire tour of the zoo! :) Her favorite animal was the kangaroo!

Kylie and Daddy enjoying some quality father-daughter time!

At 5 months, Kylie likes "talking" to mom and dad, going for rides in her stroller, eating, taking baths, watching TV, and laughing at Huey. She spends her days practicing tummy time, sitting in her bouncer, laying on her back, eating with mom, sleeping, and hanging out with the Hartzlers by the pool or at the beach or in her stroller on our frequent walks. She loves her pacifier, her thumb and her blankets. She smiles the biggest when we say the following phrases, "I love you" and "You're so pretty!" She also loves being sung to by her dad! Her favorite song is entitled, "Kylie Bean." It goes a little something like this: "Kylie Bean, Kylie Bean; Who's my little Kylie Bean; She's so cute, She's not mean; You're my little Kylie Bean!"

Kylie does not like trying to sleep when it's loud or when there are bright lights on her. She doesn't seem to really like being too warm, which has presented a problem down here a few times. She is still a little impatient, and gets crabby really quickly when she decides that she is hungry. Kylie does not love tummy time, but she is getting more tolerant. She does not like the nasal aspirator or having her nose/face picked at by me.

Kylie is starting to meet a lot more developmental milestones. She is finally starting to hold her head up when on her tummy...She does 3-5 tummy times sessions per day for about 15-20 minutes each time. She can also hold it up when she is sitting in our laps. We're working on her head control in the Bumpo a little too, but she hasn't mastered that yet. She is getting 5 feedings per day at approximately 8:00am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm and 8:00pm. She is eating 5-7 ounces per feeding. I still have an over supply of milk, but it has decreased a little bit. I am now only able to save about 6-8 ounces each day, but that's better than nothing! We are in the process of going to 3 naps per day instead of 4...She is sleeping about 11 hours at night most nights. She usually goes down around 8:30-9:00pm and wakes up around 7:30-8:00am. (She has had a more difficult time sleeping this past week because she had her first cold. She kept waking up in the night coughing or with a stuffy nose and then couldn't get herself back to sleep. So we had a few rough nights, but that's okay...I just felt bad for Kylie.) She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. We met with a pediatrician down here last week just to keep her connected and because she will have to have her 6 month well baby check down here. Anyway, she weighed in at exactly 15 pounds! Sooooo big! Kylie is smiling like crazy, laughing, reaching for objects, and tracking things back and forth AND up and down with her eyes. I think she is very close to rolling over too. She has rolled up to her side a few times both when on her back and her stomach. She just gets stuck on her arm!

Everyday, Kylie gets more and more interactive. She is a very loving and cuddly baby. It is sooo much fun to watch her grow and develop! Jon and I absolutely adore her, and our love for her just keeps growing and growing!

1 comment:

  1. Look at Kylie in her cute summer outfit! Can't believe she's already 5 months old. Love the Kylie Bean song, too :)
