Friday, April 15, 2011

Tummy Time = Thumb Sucking Time

Kylie is making steady progress in catching up to other babies her age. She has already caught up in weight, and she is getting there in the social and cognitive categories as well. The one thing we have really had to work hard at, though, is her neck strength. Jon and I joke that she has a Jon Barlow head on an Emily King neck! :) Anyway, she is getting stronger, but can't quite hold her head up by herself for long periods of time. The best way to strengthen her neck muscles is by doing A LOT of tummy time. I have her on a strict tummy time schedule including several TT sessions each day! Most of the time she does a good job working on moving her head around, but every now and then she just wants to sleep. She is also becoming a thumb sucker, and she easily pops it into her mouth when on her tummy. Although I am trying to fight it, sometimes it is just so darn cute, so I have to take a picture before I pull her thumb away from her! Here are some pictures of her doing tummy time! :)

How cute is that?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I just got caught up on all your Florida posts! You guys have already had quite the adventure :)
