Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy 2nd Birthday to Quinn!

Happy Birthday to Quinnie!

We are loving having a toddler around the house again! Quinn's personality is really beginning to shine as she grows up. She is super social, and says a hearty, "Hi!' to everyone she sees. As the saying goes, Quinn has never met a stranger. She is silly and funny and loves to make people laugh. She is our best snuggler, and often asks to, "nuggle." Quinn is busy, busy, busy. This girls never stops moving. From climbing up and down the stairs, to playing with her hatchimals, to riding bikes and scooters, she does not stop! She is becoming a little sassy. She often says, "no, and mine." She runs away from us, hits her siblings, and takes things that she's not supposed to have." Needless to say, time-outs are frequents these days. But, man, is she cute! She has the bluest eyes, and sweetest smile, and she knows how to use both to get her way! We love the spice she adds to our family.

At TWO years old, Quinn is an excellent sleeper. She goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes up in the morning around 7:00am. She is taking a daily afternoon nap from about 1:30-4:00pm. She is also a great eater, and is willing to try most foods. She even ate a few of those nasty Bean Boozled Jelly Bellies and LIKED them! Yuck! The rest of us were gagging when we tried them. She LOVES milk and water, and gets about 12-16 ounces of milk each day and even more water. She often has extremely wet diapers! Her favorite foods are strawberries, cotton candy grapes, raspberries, bananas with peanut butter, carrots with hummus, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, beans, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, pizza, clif bars and lara bars, fruit snacks, applesauce and of course, water and milk! At her 2 year well child appointment, Quinn weighed 29 pounds and was 36.3 inches long, which are 85th and 96th percentile respectively. We have another TALL Barlow girl! She is wearing 2T and some 3T clothes, size 5 diapers, and size 5/6 shoes. 

Some of her milestones and accomplishments over the past year learning to walk, talk, climb up and down stairs, ride a scooter, and run. She likes to try to jump too, which involves a very deep squat and is hilarious. She believes she can keep up with Kylie and Brooks, and loves to play with them. Because she has older siblings, she has absolutely no fear of older children. She will push and fight to get what she wants even when older kids are in her way. She has become a little chatterbox. She can say 100s of words and 3 and 4 word sentences. Her quote of the month has been, "Happy to you, mine." This translates to, "Happy Birthday to Quinn." Some of my other favorite Quinn quotes are, "nuggle, alnee (almond) milk, pees (please), and ishhh (fish)." She is also extremely aware of when she goes to the bathroom. She talks about it all the time, and likes to take her diaper off. I'm thinking potty training is right around the corner. She has all 20 of her baby teeth, and went to the dentist for the first time this summer. She loves playing with her friends, Emme and Mer Mer, and says her name like, "Ninnie."

We love our sweet, wild Quinnie!

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