Tuesday, August 20, 2019

3 Months Here!

Bode is 3 months old!
He's getting so big and smiley!

He loves all of his older siblings.
He likes to watch them, smile and giggle at them, and be held by them.

Quinn loves to hold her baby brother, but it doesn't last very long!

In typical 4th child fashion, I missed Bode's 2 month post. To be honest, I'm surprised a 3 month post is happening (even though it's 2 weeks late) because it is still crazy chaotic up in here! But here is goes...

We are still loving our little Bobo, but also still trying to figure out how to thrive as a family of 6. I would say we are having more good days than bad days, but many days are still a total wash. We are learning more about Bode's sweet personality every day, which I love. He is becoming so smiley, and he clearly loves to be held. It's obvious that he really likes his brother and sisters because he will calm right down when they are nearby. I can't wait until he can play with them! He is a wiggle worm and never stops moving his arms and legs when he's awake. He is mostly happy until he is hungry or tired, and then he turns on the screaming (like high-pitched scream-yelling) until he is fed or cuddled to sleep. Once satisfied, he goes right back to happy, smiley, cooing baby! He still has a full head of brown hair, though it is lightening up a bit, and big, blue eyes. He definitely looks like a Barlow!

Bode is becoming much more predictable and much less of an adventure. He has been worked up and treated for reflux (with medication) following his choking episodes (he has had 2). In his short little life, he has already seen cardiology (for a murmur), ENT, and GI. He has another appointment next month, a swallow study, to see if we can learn anymore about why he had those episodes. So far, it's looking like bad reflux combined with a little anatomic abnormality in his throat. Here's hoping he outgrows this issue! On a positive note, I was able to go back on dairy because it's not a milk allergy causing the problems! :) Yay for ice cream!

As far as his likes and dislikes go, he seems to love breastfeeding, cuddling, napping in the ergo, all of his siblings, taking baths, and the pacifier. Things that he doesn't like include napping in his crib, being hungry, getting out of the bath tub, and having a poopy diaper. I have never had a child who hates wearing a dirty diaper as much as he does. Maybe he'll be easy to potty train!

Bode has seriously done a complete 180 since he was about 5-6 weeks old. He has gone from a grumpy, unpredictable newborn, to a pretty happy, much more predictable baby. As a routine-oriented mom, I decided to implement a schedule for him, which I think has helped. He wakes up in the morning around 7am (give or take 15 minutes), and eats at 7am, 10am, 12:30pm, 3:00pm, 5:30pm, and 8:00pm. At 8:00pm, he goes down for the night with a bottle and a little nursing and cuddling. Then he typically sleeps until somewhere between 3am-7am. So he either gets up one time or not at all! Those nights that he sleeps all the way through are the best! :)  I'm so proud of him and can't believe he's the same baby! The next thing we need to work on is going to bed without nursing/cuddling. I would really like a babysitter or Jon to be able to put him down if needed, so sleeping training 101 will be taking place sometime in September! 

I am starting to notice some of Bode's milestones now that he's a little older and spending more time awake. He's smiling and cooing. He likes to blow bubbles. He follows us with his eyes, and definitely knows me by my voice. There is a lot of crying when he wants be to hold him and can hear me talking but can't see me. He has also started looking at his hands recently, as well as trying to put them in his mouth. He isn't quite holding his head up on his own, but I'm hoping he figures that out soon! He is still eating really well and growing a ton. I don't know his exact weight, but I do know that he is up over 15 pounds, wearing size 3-6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers.

We love our little Bobo (as Quinn has nick-named him), and can't imagine a time before he was here! I can't wait to watch him grow and learn in the next months and years! 

A 2 month picture for good measure!

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