Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The 4th of July, 2016!

Happy Birthday, America!

The 4th of July is a BIG deal in Upper Arlington. I think it is most people's favorite holiday. There is a lot going on from a parade, to people cruising the town on golf carts, to block parties, to the big fireworks show. It's a really fun day here! This 4th of July was our first at our new house. Little did we know when we bought it that our street basically hosts a carnival for the 4th each year. It was quite the spectacle, and even though it was cool and rainy, everyone had a blast. There were bounce houses, a giant water slide, face painters, a cotton candy machine, a food truck, yard games, and lots more! I can't wait to do it all again next year!

Doing sparklers a few nights before the 4th.
Kylie was a huge fan, Brooks not so much.

Jon and I went to a country concert on the 3rd.

The parade was first thing in the morning.
The kids enjoyed it, even though it was rainy!

As I mentioned, there were face painters at our block party.
This is Luca, our neighbor, as a ninja turtle with a shark biting his mouth, Brooks as a tiger, and Kylie as a pink kitty.

All of our friends came to the block party for awhile.
Here are Brooks and Kylie with Addi and Gywn.

Kylie went to the fireworks show with Addi and Gwyn.
Jon, Brooks, and I walked over from our house.
Brooks looked like this the whole time. He was completely in awe! 

Happy 4th of July!

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