Tuesday, July 26, 2016


We've been busy this summer doing lots of fun things, but in all that busy-ness, I've failed to blog regularly. Thankfully, I've kept taking pictures, and so I've documented our different activities. There are a lot of pictures to post, so I'll just let them do the talking...

Tramp Park!


Weird corn cob statue park.

Swimming with friends.
L to R: Addison, Kylie, Gwyn, Brooks

Clippers Game.

Our new table!

Kylie had VBS.
It was a construction/Lego theme.

She won a prize at VBS for this beauty.
It's a bridge crossing from a house to God's castle.

Mia came for a visit.

Splash Park!

Miller Park!

Kylie played Teeball this spring/summer.
She and Addi were on the same team, the Tigers.

Mia and I went to Buckeye Country Superfest again!
It was super fun!

We went back to MN/WI for a week for a visit.
Brooksie rode a calf.

Farm life.

Feeding goats.
He likes animals.

We saw our friends, the Yuans.

Water balloon fight with the Barlow cousins!

L to R: Elias, Bergen, Espen, Brooks, Kylie

We went to a wedding of a residency friend.

Some of the residency wives!

Another park with friends!

L to R: Gwyn, Addi, Kylie

Kylie drew portraits of Greg and Kaaren.

Play date!
L to R: Brooks, Claire, Annie, Kylie

Our church has been putting on a Bible story time for toddler.
Since Kylie is one of the older kids, she get to help out!

This band plays at the Farmer's Market every Saturday!

Kylie had Safety Town where she learned about all different types of safety.

Splash Pad with friends!
L to R: Gwyn, Addi, Kylie, Brooks

One Saturday afternoon, Jon and the kids to an hour long nap.
It was peaceful.

Playing games!
Donuts on a string!

Blowing bubbles.

Mommy-Brooksie date at the zoo!
He LOVES lions!

Dentist appointments!

Petting a deer at Indian Caverns.

Safety Town graduation.

High fiving Sparky!

Kylie and Addison at Safety Town graduation.

Fun at COSI.
This was a video game exhibit.

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