Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and the temperatures are in the 60s, 70s and 80s! I think it's safe to say that spring has arrived out here on the east coast. We are loving it. We have been taking advantage of the nice weather by spending A LOT of time outside at the park or going for walks, hikes, and runs! It's funny how a few warm, sunny days can totally turn one's attitude around! We are all feeling happy and healthy! Here are some pictures of our most recent adventures...

The Wisconsin Badger men's basketball team made it into the Final Four.
We spent a lot of time and energy cheering them on!
Mother-Daughter Badger Selfie!

We got a babysitter and met up with some of our college friends to watch the big semi-final game.
It was a ton of fun, except for when they lost. :(
L to R: Jon, Joe, Malky, Josh

 Goofin' around.
Meet Superhero Kylie.

 Brooksie playing with cars!

 It's exhausting being 3!

 Watching "pretty" shows.
I have no idea why she calls them that.

Cool hat!

 Patiently waiting for her fingernail polish to dry.

Brooks loves to get up nice and close to see himself in the phone!

Watching big sis at "kymnashtics."

Several outdoor fun pics:
 She loves her statues!

 Grizzly at Fitler Square.

 On one of the really warm days we took a hike and had a picnic at Wissahickon Valley Park.
It definitely does NOT feel like a huge city when you are there!

 My three loves!


 Kylie took a fall on a gravel path while we were there.
She has a scratch on her upper lip, a cut inside her mouth, bruised gums, and a loose tooth.
We are hoping her tooth doesn't turn gray, but we're thankful it's a baby tooth if it does!
Poor girl!

 I ran my first of three races this spring.
This one was a 5k.
I also have a 10 miler in May, and a half marathon in June!

Brooks dominated this little hill at the park!
He worked hard and finally made it to the top after several tries.
That determined little personality serves him well!

We hope your spring has also sprung wherever you are! 

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