Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Easter was quite a bit different for us this year. This was the first one that we weren't able to celebrate with our families. So we tried to create a few new traditions of our own, and really emphasize the true meaning of the holiday. I think it was a success! :) Here are lots of pictures from our Philadelphia Easter!

 We began celebrating the weekend before Easter with an egg hunt at a local park.
It was jam packed, but lots of fun!
 Brooks found an egg!
 Kylie did too!
Yes, she is wearing a leotard.
She did have gymnastics after the egg hunt, and I tried to get her to wear clothes over it.
Unfortunately, there was a wedgie incident, and she refused to wear the extra layers!
I'm learning to pick my battles! :)
 For preschool, we took some time to learn about the true meaning of Easter.
We read the Easter story from the Bible, talked about the hollow egg representing the empty tomb, and we made these.
They are called Resurrection Rolls. 
You cook a marshmallow, cinnamon and sugar inside a crescent roll.
The marshmallow melts away, which creates a visual representation of the empty tomb.
They taste good too! :)
 We dyed Easter eggs!
 They turned out nice and bright!
We went on a hayride to bunny land at a local orchard.
I was expecting more than just a hayride for $8/person, but Kylie and Brooks were happy so that's all that matters!
 The Easter Bunny made a lap around the wagon (seriously for $8 you'd think she could sit on his lap), and Kylie was loving it.
Brooks is not so much into people dressed as creatures.
He pointed and grunted from the safety of my lap!

 There is a small farm animal zoo at the orchard too.
This is Kylie, Bennett, and Luca checking out the goats.
 This goat was so hopeful for food that he climbed the fence to see if the girls had any!
 My spring/Easter flowers!
 Easter morning.
The kids had a bunch of eggs and an Easter basket to find.
 Brooks found his basket immediately.
He's a better searcher than I give him credit for!
 Kylie took a little longer, but once she found it she went straight for the chocolate!
Brooks holding his "Cars" DVD and saying, "Caaar, Caaar, Caaar."
We went to church.
Aren't they adorable in their Sunday best?!?
That tie!
Those pink sandals!
All of those dimples!
Love these two!
 I made dinner.
Ham, mashed potatoes, asparagus, watermelon, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert!
 We capped the day off by going to the park for a little play time.
Kylie and daddy trying to fly her new kite.
There was almost no wind, so we were unsuccessful!

We hope you had a wonderful Easter as well!

1 comment:

  1. Love their Easter outfits and your pretty flowers! I can never arrange them that well! So pretty!
