Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Brooks seems to fit many of the boy stereotypes. He's active. He loves cars and balls. He's daring. And apparently, he's injury prone.

He had his first major injury already at just shy of 17 months old. He was walking wobbley around our favorite goat statue at Rittenhouse Square. It's hard to imagine this statue if you haven't seen it, but it's a bronze goat that is elevated up on a small cement slab and then up again on a marble slab that's probably about a foot tall. So anyway, Brooks tripped on the small cement slab, and hit is forehead right on the corner of the taller marble slab. Not to be too descriptive, but anyone who has had or seen a head injury knows that they are typically quite bloody. This was no exception. There was blood gushing out, and the poor little guy was just smearing it everywhere! It was traumatic for those of us witnessing it. Jon wasn't there, but luckily there was another dad there with his kid who seemed to have some sort of medical background. He was handing me towels, water, and checking out the wound. He was unsure if it needed stitches, so after we slowed the bleeding down, I took off to find Jon. Jon seemed to be in the same boat in thinking that it could maybe use a stitch, but he thought it would be too difficult to keep Brooks calm for the procedure. Since he is so young, and their skin heals so well at that age, we agreed that steri strips were the way to go. Jon picked up some steri strips from work and closed the wound beautifully!

All was good and well until Monday afternoon. Brooks was just casually walking around the apartment when he slipped and fell in the kitchen. The kitchen flooring is a nice, hard tile, and poor Brooks hit his head right on his injury. Even with the steri strips on, it immediately started gushing blood again. I panicked! Jon was at work, and I decided that he needed to go to the ER this time to have it checked out. Like all ERs, we were there for several hours, and it was determined that the bottom layer of skin did not re-open afterall. Thankfully, stitches (and sedation) were no longer necessary (like they might have been on Friday) because the healing process had already started! :) So it was back to steri strips!

I've determined that I am going to have to put that boy in a bubble to keep him safe! But since I can't do that, I guess I will pray that he doesn't hit his head again until this one heals. With this boy, I'm pretty sure there are going to be a lot more injuries and trips to the ER in the future...Let's just hope he gives us all a little break before the next one!

 The orginal injury.
It's short, but deep!
 After daddy patched him up!
Feeling like himself again!
Getting numb in the ER.
This was so they could clean it out without hurting him, and potentially stitch it if needed!
Overall, he's doing well, and it doesn't seem to be bothering him!
Love this poor, little man!


Easter was quite a bit different for us this year. This was the first one that we weren't able to celebrate with our families. So we tried to create a few new traditions of our own, and really emphasize the true meaning of the holiday. I think it was a success! :) Here are lots of pictures from our Philadelphia Easter!

 We began celebrating the weekend before Easter with an egg hunt at a local park.
It was jam packed, but lots of fun!
 Brooks found an egg!
 Kylie did too!
Yes, she is wearing a leotard.
She did have gymnastics after the egg hunt, and I tried to get her to wear clothes over it.
Unfortunately, there was a wedgie incident, and she refused to wear the extra layers!
I'm learning to pick my battles! :)
 For preschool, we took some time to learn about the true meaning of Easter.
We read the Easter story from the Bible, talked about the hollow egg representing the empty tomb, and we made these.
They are called Resurrection Rolls. 
You cook a marshmallow, cinnamon and sugar inside a crescent roll.
The marshmallow melts away, which creates a visual representation of the empty tomb.
They taste good too! :)
 We dyed Easter eggs!
 They turned out nice and bright!
We went on a hayride to bunny land at a local orchard.
I was expecting more than just a hayride for $8/person, but Kylie and Brooks were happy so that's all that matters!
 The Easter Bunny made a lap around the wagon (seriously for $8 you'd think she could sit on his lap), and Kylie was loving it.
Brooks is not so much into people dressed as creatures.
He pointed and grunted from the safety of my lap!

 There is a small farm animal zoo at the orchard too.
This is Kylie, Bennett, and Luca checking out the goats.
 This goat was so hopeful for food that he climbed the fence to see if the girls had any!
 My spring/Easter flowers!
 Easter morning.
The kids had a bunch of eggs and an Easter basket to find.
 Brooks found his basket immediately.
He's a better searcher than I give him credit for!
 Kylie took a little longer, but once she found it she went straight for the chocolate!
Brooks holding his "Cars" DVD and saying, "Caaar, Caaar, Caaar."
We went to church.
Aren't they adorable in their Sunday best?!?
That tie!
Those pink sandals!
All of those dimples!
Love these two!
 I made dinner.
Ham, mashed potatoes, asparagus, watermelon, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert!
 We capped the day off by going to the park for a little play time.
Kylie and daddy trying to fly her new kite.
There was almost no wind, so we were unsuccessful!

We hope you had a wonderful Easter as well!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and the temperatures are in the 60s, 70s and 80s! I think it's safe to say that spring has arrived out here on the east coast. We are loving it. We have been taking advantage of the nice weather by spending A LOT of time outside at the park or going for walks, hikes, and runs! It's funny how a few warm, sunny days can totally turn one's attitude around! We are all feeling happy and healthy! Here are some pictures of our most recent adventures...

The Wisconsin Badger men's basketball team made it into the Final Four.
We spent a lot of time and energy cheering them on!
Mother-Daughter Badger Selfie!

We got a babysitter and met up with some of our college friends to watch the big semi-final game.
It was a ton of fun, except for when they lost. :(
L to R: Jon, Joe, Malky, Josh

 Goofin' around.
Meet Superhero Kylie.

 Brooksie playing with cars!

 It's exhausting being 3!

 Watching "pretty" shows.
I have no idea why she calls them that.

Cool hat!

 Patiently waiting for her fingernail polish to dry.

Brooks loves to get up nice and close to see himself in the phone!

Watching big sis at "kymnashtics."

Several outdoor fun pics:
 She loves her statues!

 Grizzly at Fitler Square.

 On one of the really warm days we took a hike and had a picnic at Wissahickon Valley Park.
It definitely does NOT feel like a huge city when you are there!

 My three loves!


 Kylie took a fall on a gravel path while we were there.
She has a scratch on her upper lip, a cut inside her mouth, bruised gums, and a loose tooth.
We are hoping her tooth doesn't turn gray, but we're thankful it's a baby tooth if it does!
Poor girl!

 I ran my first of three races this spring.
This one was a 5k.
I also have a 10 miler in May, and a half marathon in June!

Brooks dominated this little hill at the park!
He worked hard and finally made it to the top after several tries.
That determined little personality serves him well!

We hope your spring has also sprung wherever you are!