Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jon!

Happy Birthday!
 Kylie was in charge of sprinkles! :)

For as much as I love birthdays, Jon equally dislikes his own. He doesn't like getting older, or more specifically being older than his peers/colleagues. For a long time, he was the youngest. It's a spring birthday so he is on the younger side of his high school class. He's also younger than me. And because he finished undergrad in 3 years, he was on the younger side in both his medical school and residency classes. Even as he went through residency, he was often younger than many of his junior residents. Now that he's a fellow, he feels like he is so much older than the other residents, even though he's younger than his fellow classmates. It's weird and complicated, and pretty much the only thing about Jon that disturbs me. :) (I would guess that my equally strong LOVE of birthdays disturbs him too!) Anyway, Jon's birthday was on March 10th, and I tried to celebrate him as much as I possibly could considering he won't really let me publicly celebrate. Unfortunately, it was a Monday so he had to work. Luckily, he finished early and was home in the middle of the afternoon. I asked him what he wanted to do, and in true Jon Barlow fashion, he said he wanted to sleep. So sleep he did...For 2.5 looooong hours! After he woke, or I should say, after I woke him up, he opened gifts and we went for a walk which is another favorite activity of his! I cooked a favorite meal and baked a carrot cake (from a box). He pretended to enjoy both! We ended the evening with some family snuggles on the couch, and went to bed early! I think it was one of my home-body husband's favorite days ever! :)

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