Monday, December 16, 2013

December Pictures!

It's been a little chilly, so we haven't spent a lot of time outdoors lately. We had a few nice days that we took advantage of, but mostly we're just hanging out and getting ready for Christmas!

 I had some of my Side By Side friends over to our place for a craft night.
We made "I love you because..." boards!

 This is how Brooks looks after most meals these days!

 Heat wave: 57 degrees!
We spent most of the day outside!

 Visiting Santa.
Kylie loved it...Brooksie, not so much!

 Rittenhouse Square all lit up at night!

 Another of Rittenhouse Square at night!

 I finally finished Kylie and Brooks' stockings!

 Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Brooks loved watching from the window!

 My Minnesota girl was not too thrilled with the snow.

 Brooksie learned how to point!

 A beautiful winter scene!
It doesn't look like this anymore...Now it's just brown.

 Visiting a light show!

 Brooks is so proud of himself for climbing onto the couch all by himself!
Life just got even crazier!

My uncle sent me a picture of Huey today!
Miss that dog!

Christmas is Coming!

When we moved to Philadelphia, I wasn't sure what to expect for Christmas. Would there be snow? Would people hang lights? Would I be able to make our apartment feel Christmas-y? Well, it seems that the answer to all of those questions is, a little bit! :)

There WAS snow. It snowed 6 inches a little over a week ago, and then another 4 inches a few days after that. I definitely thought we were in for a white Christmas season around here. But with temperatures fluctuating between 30-50 degrees, it just doesn't stick around for long. There isn't much to show for the 10 inches we had last week!

Some people decorate their house and hang lights, but there are so many apartments and other buildings that there isn't really a cohesive sense of Christmas lighting. There is a huge, massive tree in Rittenhouse Square, which is 3 blocks away, and lots of pretty white lights in the trees there. There is also one street a block away that is lined with trees which are all covered in white lights. Other than that, it's a window here, a railing there, and whole lot of pavement in between!

As for our apartment, it's tiny so it doesn't take much. I only brought one box of Christmas decorations with us because I wasn't sure where I would store any more than that. So we have our little Christmas tree, some lights strung around the apartment, and stockings. I actually felt like we needed a little more, so I did buy some decorations for on top of our cabinets! I think it feels pretty festive, especially when our evergreen tree scented candle is burning! :)

Here are some pictures...

It's hard to see because it's dark, but this is our little Christmas Tree.
It's perched on a window sill so Brooks can't destroy it!

Our stockings!
I made Kylie and Brooks' and I'm planning on making mine and Jon's next year to match!

 The new decorations on top of the cabinets.

 Lights as far as you can see on this festive street!

At Rittenhouse Square.
The tree is straight back of Kylie, and hanging from the trees are cool, Christmas light balls.

 Kylie meeting Santa Claus, and loving every minute of it!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Brooks!

Happy Birthday to Brooksie Boy!

A favorite activity...bath time!

Chewing on a marker...Definitely a no no!

Modeling his new zebra back pack!

Where has the last year gone?! Brooks turned 1 on November 27th, but it seems like just yesterday, Brooks was a screaming, skinny newborn who had his days and nights mixed up. I can't believe I only slept 15 hours in his first 7 days of life. I thought for sure I was going to die, and he definitely needed to go back where he came from! :) But now, I am so thankful that he is here and he didn't go back! I can't imagine a day without his sweet smile, big blue eyes, super speedy crawl, or his sloppy kisses! He is a loving little boy with a determined spirit. He is a hugger and a holder. He is a mover and a shaker. He is a busy boy with a wild side! He gives us a little excitement, a lot of joy, and more exercise (up and down, over here, over there) than is necessary for any human being!

On Brooks' actual birthday, we didn't do too much. We had just had his party the weekend before, and it was pretty cold outside. We tried to do some fun activities including a bath in the morning, opening presents throughout the day, and eating cupcakes after supper. But, poor Brooks, I procrastinated in getting some blood work done for his 1 year appointment, and had to get it in before Thanksgiving! So on his birthday, he had a blood draw. They had to prick him twice, and I had to hold him down, and he screamed like a wild banshee the whole time. Hopefully he doesn't remember that I did this to him on his very FIRST birthday!

Anyway, Brooks is a happy, little guy. He likes to play and! He especially likes to take things out of drawers and cabinets. It's a fun phase. Anything will do, toys, DVDs, tupperware containers, glass bowls. If it's in his reach, and it is in a drawer, it's coming out. The best part about this activity is that it seems like he makes decisions about where to put the objects once they come out. He will stand in front of the DVD drawer, pull out DVDs one by one, and stack some in a pile on top of the TV stand, put some in the other drawer, throw some on the floor, and give some to Kylie or me. It's hilarious! He crawls super fast, sometimes with his head down, and sometimes in a bear crawl fashion. He also likes to crawl away from us really fast, especially when it's time to get his nose wiped! He finally got a bunch of boy toys (trucks, trains, cars) for his birthday, and he loves them. He drives them all over the place! He also likes to play with markers, chap stick, pens, shaving cream containers (weird, but it's a battle everyday), anything he's not supposed to have. He seems to be very musical. He loves listening to music, and always laughs, dances and "sings" when any kind of music comes on. Some of his other favorite things are taking baths, eating, his pacifier, following his sister around, and going for rides in the stroller.

Brooks is also persistent and loud, which can be good characteristics unless he isn't happy with something. He let's us know loudly AND frequently when he is unhappy. His least favorite activity in the whole wide world is getting his diaper changed. It is a war every.single.time! You will never see me act sillier than when that child is getting a diaper change. There are songs, strange noises, and even some gymnastics tricks that I have perfected to keep that boy happy during these wars. He still usually wins, and I usually let him get away with a crooked, leaky diaper! :) He also hates getting strapped into anything...the stroller, high chair, and car seat to name a few. Once he is in, he's happy as a clam...I guess he just doesn't like the actual act of strapping. Overall, he's a happy camper, but he has some feisty moments each day!

As for his milestones, he's still making progress, but hasn't made as many big leaps this month as he did last month. He isn't walking yet, but he's getting closer everyday. He cruises like crazy, can walk with the toy stroller and move it around as he pleases, and he can stand in free space on his own for a few seconds. He seems to be resisting learning how to walk, and I think it's because he is so good at getting around on his hands and knees. He seriously crawls almost as fast as Kylie runs! Another gross motor skill that I learned he is capable of is climbing stairs and other low things. We don't have stairs in our apartment, so I was surprised to see him up 5 or 6 stairs at a friend's house recently! I'm glad I don't have to deal with that at home, but it does make visiting others' houses a little extra stressful! Other skills I've noticed is that his pincer grasp is maturing, and he is throwing a ball (and other toys) pretty well. Cognitively, his language skills are progressing as well. I'm pretty sure he is now saying, "ball," (sounds like baa), as well as, "car" and "mama." I'm not positive on any of those, but they seem pretty consistent so I'm counting them! :) He also signs, "more" and he does the universal sign for "up" (both hands straight up in the air directly in front of the person he wants to pick him up). He kisses, hugs, claps, dances, and wiggles on command. He's being stubborn about waving, and pretty much refuses to learn that skill. He mimics a lot of sounds including laughing, coughing, and the "mmmm" sound like one makes when something tastes/smells good. I think he understands what "no" means as well. When he is doing things that he is not supposed to, and/or I tell him "no," he usually looks at me and hesitates before continuing with the behavior! He is definitely growing because he has moved up to 12 month and 12-18 month clothes. He is still wearing size 4 diapers and size 4 shoes. At his 1 year well child check up, he weighed 21 pounds, 11 ounces and was 30 inches long, which is 50th percentile for both! The doctor said, "He's perfect," and I couldn't agree more! :) He is also a teething monster right now. He has 7 teeth fully in, and is currently working on 5, yes FIVE, more. All four of his molars are coming in. It seems really early, but it's really happening...Bring on the chewy foods! His schedule is pretty much the same as last month. He sleeps from about 8pm-7:30am, and naps from about 9:15-10:00/10:30am and again from about 1:30pm-3:30/4:00pm. He has a bottle (I'm hoping to work on switching to a sippy cup soon) of about 5 ounces of whole milk at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 7:30pm, and he eats all three meals with us. He is eating mostly table food with a few purees mixed in depending on how hazardous the food is! :)

Brooks is such a fun, loving, wonderful little man! He has brought so much joy to our lives over the past year, and we fall more in love with him every day! We are so blessed! We love you so much, Brooksie Boy!

New York City Trip #3

Since we had a nice, long 4 day weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday, we thought it would be fun to take one more day trip up to New York City to visit the Griffiths before their twins arrive, and to see all of the festive Christmas decor! We went up on Saturday and had a great time! We arrived in the middle of the morning, and immediately headed down to Rockefeller Plaza to see the big Christmas tree and the ice skating rink. I've been there before but never at Christmas time, so it was fun to see all of the decorations. The tree was up and decorated, not lit, but still a pretty sight to see. We walked around a bit down there, and saw some of the other attractions such as Radio City Music Hall and the NBC news studio. We stopped for a quick lunch at a restaurant called Toasties, then headed back to the Griffiths apartment so the kids could nap. While the kids slept, Rebecca and I chatted, and Jon and Tim went out for a couple of drinks! We had a nice home cooked meal by Rebecca for dinner, and then called it a day.

I was so impressed with Rebecca! She is 35 weeks pregnant with twins, and she looks great. She got around well, cooked for us, and was a fantastic host! I'm sure we were exhausting, but we are grateful for such gracious hosts! Thanks, Griffiths! We can't wait to meet your twin girls very soon!!!

Our little family in Rockefeller Plaza.

The Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center.

The ice skating rink.
That's Santa down there on skates.
I'm impressed! :)

 Rebecca and me with the tree in the background.

 Ella and Kylie staring in awe at a window display full of presents.

 Decorations at Rockefeller Center.

 Best friends, Kylie and Ella!

 In case you can't read, Rockefeller Plaza.

 NBC News.
We were too late in the day for The Today Show, but it's on my bucket list before we leave Philly.

 Classic Jon.
"Come on, Emily. Do you need to take pictures of everything?!"

 Radio City Music Hall.

 Statue of Liberty guy...or girl?

 Pretty Christmas decorations and our pretty little girls.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here in Philadelphia! We started out the day by sleeping in...Well, as much as you can sleep in with a one year old and a three year old. :) After we all got ready, we walked about a mile north of our apartment to the Thanksgiving Parade. We only saw the last two floats, which was a marching band and Santa, but it was good enough for all of us. It was really cold! We walked back home, watched some dog show and football on TV, and cooked for our feast that evening. We headed over to Joe and Catherine's house in New Jersey after the kids woke up from their naps. There we enjoyed a wonderful meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, bakes beans, jello salad, a traditional salad, and much more! We were able to hang out there until about 9:00pm, which is when the babes started to melt down. It was a great way to spend the holiday, with old friends, but we are looking forward to being home with our families for Christmas!

Watching Santa go by with his reindeer!

 A fountain in Logan Square, which is where we watched the parade!
It was so cold (for Philly) that the statues were all covered in ice!

 Our Thanksgiving spread!

We did take a group picture that I'm hoping to post, just have to get a copy of it from Joe!

Weekly Pictures!

Thanksgiving week was a good one for us. We celebrated a birthday, ate a delicious feast with friends, took a trip to NYC, and enjoyed A LOT of family time! It was fantastic!

 Kylie enjoys picking out her outfits.
It's usually tutus and dresses, and almost never jeans!
She's doing a pretty good job though!

 A little play time in the crib!

 Doing a matching puzzle with daddy!

Happy 1st Birthday to Brooks!

Happy Thanksgiving!
We started the day off with a parade!

Doing my Black Friday shopping from the comfort of my own home!

We took one more trip up to New York City to visit the Griffiths before their twins arrive!

 These are the quilts I made for Rebecca's twins!
I love this pattern...Definitely using it again!

 Just being cute!