Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here in Philadelphia! We started out the day by sleeping in...Well, as much as you can sleep in with a one year old and a three year old. :) After we all got ready, we walked about a mile north of our apartment to the Thanksgiving Parade. We only saw the last two floats, which was a marching band and Santa, but it was good enough for all of us. It was really cold! We walked back home, watched some dog show and football on TV, and cooked for our feast that evening. We headed over to Joe and Catherine's house in New Jersey after the kids woke up from their naps. There we enjoyed a wonderful meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, bakes beans, jello salad, a traditional salad, and much more! We were able to hang out there until about 9:00pm, which is when the babes started to melt down. It was a great way to spend the holiday, with old friends, but we are looking forward to being home with our families for Christmas!

Watching Santa go by with his reindeer!

 A fountain in Logan Square, which is where we watched the parade!
It was so cold (for Philly) that the statues were all covered in ice!

 Our Thanksgiving spread!

We did take a group picture that I'm hoping to post, just have to get a copy of it from Joe!

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