Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our Badger Cheerleader and her Football!

Here's the whole family ensemble.
Cheerleader, Referee, Football Player, Football

We went to a party at one of the preschools in our neighborhood so that Kylie could experience some Halloween activities with friends her age! It was so cute to watch her dress up as a mummy, paint pumpkins, and read stories with other kids. Brooks had fun too...He played with pumpkins, tried to put paint in his mouth, and danced to songs.

In the evening, we thought we'd have a little fun taking Kylie trick-or-treating. I thought it'd be the typical experience...You know, knock on a door, say trick-or-treat, get candy, say thank you, walk to the next house, and so on. I totally underestimated how AWESOME Halloween in the city actually is. First, it's basically all row houses pinned tightly together which means lots of doors in a small area. Also, pretty much everybody in our neighborhood went all out with decorations and costumes. People don't wait at the door either, they sit out on their front steps with HUGE baskets of candy and practically throw it at you. They also drink. So, needless to say, everyone is in good spirits. And this isn't just a small cluster of streets that do this...No, this went on for blocks and blocks and blocks. We walked around for about 45 minutes...I think we covered maybe four streets, and Kylie filled her bucket to the brim twice! We have enough candy to last us until next year, but, believe me, it won't last that long in our house! Clearly, we enjoyed it! It was a great Halloween experience!

Kylie dressed up like a mummy.

 Brooks thinking about whether or not he should taste the pumpkin.
He did.

Kylie in the costume parade!


 Here's an example of a typical house.
Lots of decor surrounding the doorway.
Adults and children of all ages dressed in elaborate costumes.
And there's our little cheerleader politely asking for candy! 

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