Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mr. Mister is 5 Months Old!

Mr. Brooks at 5 months!

Brooks is a happy, little wiggle worm!

WOW! Five whole months have come and gone already, and Brooks is surely developing quite the personality. He is happy, loving, and feisty all at the same time. He loves being able to see his family members. He loves being held and loved on. When he isn't getting what he wants (aka: attention), he lets us know! He goes from 0 to 60 fast, with no warning of impending rage! He is chubby with rolls and rolls on his arms and legs. We love us some chunky Barlow babies! He has big, blue eyes and an adorable, gummy smile! His legs and arms are constantly moving. I fear for the day that this child becomes mobile. He is never going to stop!

Brooks loves relaxing in his car seat and stroller. He actually takes his best naps in those two baby appliances. It's a little frustrating for me as I would prefer for him to sleep better in his crib. Brooks likes to play in his exersaucer, and with toys that make noise. He especially likes his holey ball and any baby wipes containers that crinkle. He also likes Sophie the Giraffe. As I said before, Brooks loves attention! He likes when we talk to him, cuddle him, and look at him. It's sweet, but can be difficult to give him so much attention when there is a 2.5 year old who equally craves our attention! :) Brooks loves bath time. He splashes and laughs and kicks and plays the whole time. Brooks' happiest times of the day are first thing in the morning, and right before bed at night. He is always giggly and squealy at those times. 

Brooks does not like when he is tired and can't fall asleep. He grunts, cries, and groans until he finally lets himself drift into slumber. He typically rubs his hands around his head when he is trying to put himself to sleep. But sometimes he needs help, which requires me to hold his hands and/or rub his head. I'm trying to teach him to use a lovey for soothing. I am encouraging him to hold onto it and rub his head with it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Brooks doesn't like to be left alone. Even when he is in a happy mood, he will whine until someone is in his line of sight. He also doesn't really like tummy time for long periods of time. When we put him on his tummy, he immediately rolls over to his back. When I prop him on his tummy on the boppy (aka: trap him so he can't roll), he puts up with it for about 5 minutes at a time before pitching a fit. 

As far as Brooks' milestones this month, the biggest one is that he is almost rolling from back to front. He gets his entire lower body over, but gets his upper body stuck on his arm. He is so close, though, that I don't think it will be too much longer. He is also reaching for and grasping toys and objects. He likes to shake his toys, and put them in his mouth. He takes his pacifier out of his mouth all of the time, but hasn't figured out how to put it back in yet...So that's fun! I'm crossing my fingers that he quickly learns that trick! He can hold his head up really well, and is very steady. He does great in the bumpo and exersaucer...No more bobble heading. Side note: Unfortunately, Brooks does have an asymmetric head, so we have been monitoring it closely. He has a flat spot on that back left side. We are pretty sure that it was caused by torticollis of the right side of his neck, which means that the muscle on the right side of his neck is stiff. So he frequently tilts his head right, and rotates left, which causes him to always lay on the back, left side of his head. Hence the flat spot. We are trying  to correct the torticollis by doing neck stretches 6-8 times each day. Hopefully, once that is fixed,  he will lay on different parts of his head and the flat spot will go away too. If not, he may have to wear a helmet. He has another appointment next week, so we will know more then! Moving on...Brooks has very strong legs, and can support his body weight for pretty much as long as he wants. I'm sure this is normal, but to me it's amazing because Kylie refused to support her weight until she as close to a year old! We are also working on sitting. He can sit well when we support him, but folds right in half when we try to take away that support. Brooks is still an excellent night time sleeper and a poor day time sleeper. He sleeps from about 8:30pm-7:30/8am, but will not take a consistent nap during the day. He is tired around 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 3:30pm, but sometimes only sleeps 15 minutes and sometimes sleeps up to 2 hours. I still don't know what to do about this, so suggestions are welcome! He is a great eater...Still eating 5-7 ounces, 5 times per day at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm. My goal for the next month, though is to move him to a 4 times/day eating schedule so that we have more time for naps...I'm hoping that helps! He has not tried solid food yet, but we plan on starting him on rice cereal within the next few weeks. I hope he likes it! :) Finally, Brooks is wearing 3-6 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.

We are loving watching our little man grow and develop. I didn't realize I had so much room in my heart, but somehow I find a way to love him more and more everyday! 

Color Run!

I was really excited when I learned that the Color Dash was coming to Rochester. The Color Dash is a 5k race in which you  get doused in colors as you are running. The color is dyed corn starch, and it definitely sticks to you. There were about 8 color stations throughout the course. Apparently, the blue is the hardest to get off, which Mel found out the hard way...It took her several tries to get it all off. I didn't have too much blue on me, and was able to get everything off on the first try. I ran with my friends, Melissa and Anne, and Anne's friend, Maria. Thankfully, we had gorgeous weather! It was truly a fun run, and I would definitely do it again!

Mel and I before the run!

Mel, me, and Anne before the run!


After the run!

Me and Mel afterwards...See what I mean about Mel and the blue!

Anne, me, and Mel after the run!

Maria, me, Anne, and Mel.

Picture Post!

Another week of fun! 

Kylie in her toy box!

Mr. Mister likes to hold my hand when he is falling asleep.
We are working on replacing my hand with a lovey!

My happy place!
Love a good work-out at the end of a busy day!

This picture is actually from the 26th, but I had to include it.
Kylie and Ella were playing so well together.
Kylie was grocery shopping and Ella was the cashier.

Mia and Kylie enjoying the beautiful weather at the park!

Color Run Fun!

Hugh and Brooks are best friends already!
They share common interests in sleeping, eating, and pooping! :)

Kylie enjoying Story Time!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fun in the Florida Sun!

Well, we went to Florida and now we are back in Minnesota. I wish we could have stayed longer, or at least brought some of the sunshine home with us! Oh well, spring/summer has to get here eventually, right!?! 

Anyway, Jon had an Orthopedics conference in Florida at the Omni Plantation Resort on Amelia Island. That is the same place that Jon's parents just so happen to have a condo! How convenient! So Brooks and I were able to tag along (Kylie stayed home with her grandparents)! It was just what we needed after the longest winter in history. The weather was phenomenal! We were able to spend a lot of time out by the pool, walking on the beach, and just hanging out with our friends who also attended the conference! We also ate at some awesome restaurants, and I was able to run outdoors almost every day! 

We arrived on Tuesday afternoon, and after checking out the condo, we headed down to Jacksonville (about a 40 minute drive) to have dinner with one of the doctors Jon worked with when he rotated down there. They treated us to Capital Grille. The food and the company were wonderful!

 The view from the condo's balcony!

Wednesday, Jon was busy all day with conference activities, so Brooks and I were on our own. We went for a run, explored The Plantation, and met up with some friends at the pool. In the evening, we went out to eat at 29 South with our friends, the Camps and Yuans! 

Brooks enjoys riding in the BOB almost as much as his sister does!

 After dinner with the Camps and Yuans.
L to R: Kristen and Blair, me, Annabelle and Erica

And the boys...
L to R: Jon and Brooks, Brandon and Halle (not a boy), and Bennett and Chris

On Thursday, Jon slept in a bit so I could get in a nice, long run! It was perfect! Then we relaxed by the condo pool for a little bit. Eventually, Jon made his way to the conference, so Brooks and I headed up to the resort pool to see our friends. After Jon finished at the conference for the day, we went to Chick Fil A for a little late lunch! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! :) Then we headed back to the pool to enjoy the perfect weather. For dinner, we went to Brett's, but it got a little late, so I was a little stressed about getting Brooks to bed. It all worked out, though, so I panicked for no reason, as usual! 

 Relaxing by the pool.

Jon and Brooks at Chick Fil A.

Friday was another perfect day! Jon had to present at the conference, so Brooks and I were on our own for the morning. We were able to go for a run on the beach with Anne, and Mel, and their babes! Then we walked down to the shops, where we picked up a little breakfast at the market. After that, we cleaned up a bit and headed to the pool for the entire afternoon! Jon joined us out there after he was all done, and we just enjoyed the sun and warmth. That evening we had a babysitter lined up with the Kalisvaarts. So we were able to enjoy some adult only time with a big group at 29 South again! It was so delish that we went there twice! :) 

Morning run on the beach with the BOB Brigade!
L to R: Mel with Cora, Anne with Graham, and me with Brooks

It's a tough life!
At the pool with the BOB Brigade!

 Out to dinner at 29 South!

 The girls in our dinner group.
Top L to R: Danielle, me, Maggie, and Liz
Bottom L to R: Anne and Mel

Sadly, our last full day in Florida was a cold one. It was rainy and about 50 degrees. So much too cool to do  our usual swimming and playing. I actually had to drive up to the resort (because of the pouring rain) to have breakfast with Mel. Later on, Jon and I had lunch at a Mexican place in town called Pablo's with the Schochs. Jon had been craving Mexican the entire trip, and it really hit the spot! We spent most of the rest of the day just hanging out in the condo, though we were able to squeeze in a little walk after it cleared up in the evening.

 Hanging with the fam!

We left on Sunday morning, but before we headed out I was able to watch the sunrise from the balcony! Just beautiful!

You may be wondering where Kylie was during our trip. She spent Tuesday through Thursday at the Barlows. Ingrid watched her on Tuesday, and Kriss and Doug kept an eye on her on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday evening she headed to Stewie to spend the rest of the time with my mom and dad. She had the time of her life! She played with her cousins, was spoiled rotten by her grandparents, and received some much needed undivided attention! We are so thankful that our parents were so willing to watch our little girl while we were away! We are so lucky!!!

 Kylie having fun with Auntie Ings on Tuesday!

 Playing with Espen!

 Grandma Kriss took Kylie to the Giggle Factory in Hudson where she played in "tunnels."

 Drawing with chalk.

 Playing with cousin Emmit on Friday!

Picture Time Again

I think I jinxed the entire state of Minnesota with my last post when I said that spring has arrived. Sorry about that! :) We were so sick of winter that we packed up and went to Florida for five days!

 It was still nice outside.
These are a couple of robins we saw when we were out for a walk.

 Jon left for a trip to Chicago today, but before he went he was able to spend some quality time with his little boy!

 Kylie got stuck behind the couch and accidentally turned the fan on.
Then she freaked out because she was scared!
Am I a mean mom for taking a picture before helping her escape?? 

 Brooks has an asymmetrical head. 
He might have to get a helmet.
Here he is getting measurements!

 We just love this sweet girl so much!

 We just love this sweet boy so much too!

 Trying on his beach clothes in preparation for our Florida trip!

 Kylie and Helen often fight like sisters.
It was so fun to watch them play so peacefully together!

This was the view from our balcony in Florida!

 While Jon, Brooks, and I spent some time in Florida, Kylie stayed back with her grandparents.
This is Grandma Kriss reading to her 3 little grandkids.
L to R: Espen, Kylie, Grandma, and Elias

I love Chick Fil A so much that I ate TWO meals for lunch!
It was delicious!

 The weather in Florida was perfect for the first 4 days!
We spent a lot of time at the pool with our friends.
L to R: Anne with Graham, Mel with Cora, and me with Brooks

 Unfortunately the last day in Florida was too cool and rainy for the pool.

Back home and reunited with our Kylie Girl!
Love our family!