Friday, March 22, 2013

Moving Madness

Well, moving day #1 has come and gone, and, boy, was it busy. I spent several days packing up the house, living without essentials, and getting things organized for moving day. I thought these steps would make moving a smooth, easy process. Overall, I think the organization helped, but the process was not exactly what I would call smooth. Problem #1: We had several locations where our stuff needed to go. We had some things going to my parents' house for our use, some things going to a storage unit, and some things going to my brother's house. Everything was labeled with the location and items. I figured we would pack up the cars and trailer, make a couple trips to Stewie, and call it a day. Problem #2: For the sake of being frugal, we ordered a trailer that was at least 4 sizes too small because it was $30 cheaper. Because of this mistake, we ended up making at least 5 trips back and forth...and with 20 minutes one way between the houses, this cost us over 3 hours in lost time and probably that $30 in gas! And problem #3: We did not hire enough muscle! We tried to do all of the moving and cleaning with just Jon's parents as our helpers. I think we owe Jon's parents about 12 hours of physical labor! Next time, we will be asking for more help...or hiring movers to do it all for us! Ha! Anyway, lessons learned!

It was hard to downsize to my parents' basement, but it will be a cool experiment in learning how much we can actually do without. And we are just extremely grateful to have somewhere to live while Jon finishes his residency program. It's pretty neat that Kylie and Brooks get so much grandparent time as well, especially since we will be in Philly for a year without any family! Anyway, my mom and dad spruced up the basement for us...It's basically a one bedroom apartment that has been completely revamped with new paint, carpet, trim, and tile! It's very nice!

Here are some pictures from our moving experience:

 Moving out of our first house...

 Saying good-bye!

 Our temporary home.
We have one bedroom, which the kids are sharing.
The big open area is set up like a studio (minus a kitchen).
 Dining area

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