Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy 3 months, Brooks!

Brooks is 3 months old!
 Look at that belly!
 Happy boy!

 Tummy Time!
 Concentrating hard on holding his head up!
So strong and smiley!

Somehow three months have flown by since Brooks has been born! I have no idea where that time went! Brooks is growing up and changing so fast! Even his physical appearance is changing, I think. I thought he looked a lot like Jon when he was first born. Those big, Barlow eyes were definitely standing out for me. But as time has gone by, Jon and my mom (and even me a little), think he is starting to look more like a King. This is especially true in the shape of his head, his nose, and mouth. Besides changing in his physical appearance, this has been a BIG month for Brooks in the way of milestones...

Brooks still loves to cuddle with mom and dad. When he cuddles with Jon, he likes to lay in the crook of his arm on his back. When he cuddles with me, he likes to lay on my chest on his stomach. I call these two spots his happy places! He can go from screaming to smiling in an instant when he goes to his happy place! :) Brooks is a MOVER! He loves to wiggle and squirm and move all around especially when he is laying on the floor! He also still loves the pacifier. He can easily be soothed by popping the paci in his mouth. It's definitely I nice tool to have. He is LOVING his car seat, just like his big sister. He can sleep for hours in that thing. It's nice when we are out, but a little too tempting when we are home. Sometimes I just want to stick him in there just to help him get a little more sleep, but I have not given in to that temptation yet. He also seems to enjoy bath time. He settles in to the warm water, and relaxes the whole time.

As for things he dislikes, he puts up the biggest fuss when he is tired. I try to get him to settle down for naps before he gets over -tired, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. So when he is fussing like that, the best way to settle him is by holding him until he calms down. Then he can be put down in his crib or bouncer for a nap. He also HATES when I stop feeding him to burp him. He screams like he is dying of starvation until he gets the bottle back. It's a little dramatic...but then again he is our little Sagittarius (it's a fire sign)! I don't think he likes to be cold, which is the opposite of Kylie who seems to prefer it. He doesn't sleep as well when he is chilly. He still doesn't love tummy time, but will put up with it for 5ish minutes at a time.

As I said before, Brooks has changed a lot this past month. He is meeting milestones left and right. The biggest one is that he can roll over from his front to his back. Last week, he was rolling every time I put him on his tummy. This week he has been a little more sporadic, so maybe it's not technically a skill yet. He can hold his head up during tummy time for 15-30 seconds at a time, and put it down in a semi-smooth, soft way...Not more banging it on the ground! He is also starting to push up when on his tummy. He brings his hands together, and up to his mouth. He even tries to get his fingers/thumb in his mouth all the time! I'm still interested to see if he sticks with the pacifier or switches to his fingers once he can get them in there in a more controlled manner. He is now sleeping in his crib, and the transition was actually quite easy. Speaking of sleeping, he is doing really well especially at night. He is fairly consistent in sleeping from about 10pm to 7-8am. He still has nights sometimes when he wakes between 3am-6am, but they seem to be becoming fewer and farther between. My goal for next month is to drop the dream feed and get him to bed around 8:30pm. Sleeping during the day is another story. He follows the 3 hour eat, play, sleep cycle really well, except that he usually only sleeps on his own for about 30-45 minutes. This means that I almost always have to help him back to sleep before the next cycle begins. Of course, if he in his car seat or being held, he will sleep for hours, but I would really like to have him nap in his crib. He is eating 6 times per day at approximately 8am, 11am, 1:45pm, 4:30pm, 7:30pm, and 9:45pm. He eats about 4-6 ounces per feeding for a total of 28-29 ounces per day. I'm pumping more than he eats, but not like I was with Kylie. I am able to save about 6 ounces per day, which should come in handy when I am ready to be done pumping! :) Brooks is becoming a big boy, and he is built like a rock! I bet he weighs close to 14 pounds. He is wearing size 2 diapers. Also, he is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but I think he will be moving up to 3-6 months clothes before next month.

We are loving our sweet, little man more and more each day! I can't wait to see how he grows and changes over the next month!

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