Saturday, March 24, 2012

16 months!

Kylie turned 16 months on the 19th of March, and I am a little late on this post! But it's partially because I have made an executive decision about her monthly updates. I think it's time to cut back to quarterly updates. There are 3 reasons for this decision. 1. She isn't growing and changing as rapidly as she once was. 2. I cannot get her to sit still for a picture right now...It takes forever to get a decent one! 3. I'm getting a little lazy in her old age...and it's hard to sit inside and blog when I could be outside enjoying this beautiful weather.

So her next update will be at 18 months, which is in May. But, don't fear, if she does anything BIG (like walk), I'll post it!

For now, here are a few pictures of her at 16 months!

It's a little hard to see, but this is a picture of Kylie with her hair in a ponytail.
She has worn it that way two times.
I think it's cute, but it's difficult to put in because she is so wiggly.
I have learned that I get one chance to get it in, and it stays however it goes in.
This one is a little crooked! :)

One Saturday, I had an all-day class that I had to attend in order to renew my teaching license.
Jon was in charge of Kylie for the whole day by himself.
He got her up and dressed, kept her on her schedule and fed her lunch.
I found this on my camera a week later...
Lunch got a little messy!

This was the best picture I got of her with her gloworm this month.
That's what I mean when I say that she is too wiggly for pictures these days.
But she sure is cute!

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