Monday, August 22, 2011

9 Months!

It's that time again...I can't believe another month has passed. Kylie is 9 months old and still the best Bean around! :)

We continue to fall more in love with Kylie everyday. She is such a sweet, good-natured girl. She smiles constantly, chatters like only a little girl can, and loves to play and wiggle and roll. She is still loving her thumb, especially when she is tired or hungry. I have given her a "lovey" to sleep with....It's a little bunny stuffed animal with a rattle in it. As soon as she gets it in her hands she puts her thumb in her mouth and starts to put herself to sleep. She loves her exersaucer, her bouncer, and the stroller. We go for a walk or a run every morning with the jogging stroller, and that is usually where she takes her morning nap. It's wonderful! She also still loves to eat and drink milk. She has a bit of an impatient streak when it comes to eating. As soon as she sees her bottle, she starts to whine as if we are torturing her. Once it is in reach, she grabs for it and pulls it into her mouth.

Kylie currently has a few dislikes, including being tired and/or hungry. She doesn't do too well when she is overly hot or cold. She gets mad when she wants to roll over and there is a toy blocking her way. But overall, she doesn't upset too easily.

As for Kylie's milestones, she is still rolling like crazy. I'm afraid that this might delay crawling because she is so good at it. She is able to get everywhere she wants by this mode of transportation. She can sit independently for 30-60 seconds before she tips over, and honestly she usually tips over on purpose. She really likes to be laying down. She can stand up with our help for extended periods of time....She is getting really strong. Like I said before, she is chattering a lot and has actually made "ba" and "da" sounds. I'm really looking forward to "mama" and "dada." I try to practice those sounds with her on a daily basis. She has her two bottom teeth and is working on her top teeth. I think I can feel the top left tooth just below the surface. She is eating more and more solid foods. She eats rice cereal in the morning, fruit for lunch, and a vegetable for supper, along with her bottle of milk. She is drinking about 28-30 ounces of milk each day. She is still getting breast milk, but I am done pumping now, and only have about a month's worth left in the freezer. So we are going to have to go to formula for a month or two. She is still an excellent sleeper...She sleeps from about 8:30pm-7:30am, and naps from about 9:30am-10:30am and 1:30pm-3:30pm. Lastly, Kylie had a well-child check up with Molly on Tuesday. She did great! Her weight was 21 pounds, 8 ounces (89th percentile). Her height was 28 inches (68th percentile). And her head circumference was 17.6 inches (80th percentile). She truly is a Barlow Girl!

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