Tuesday, July 19, 2011

8 Months!

Kylie is 8 months old!

"Okay, Gloweem, mom's not looking...I'm going to nibble on your ear."

I know it is hard to believe, but our "little" Kylie Bean is 8 months old today. She is just so wonderful and perfect and I feel so blessed to be her mama! I love that little bugger so much!

Kylie is changing and growing a lot these days. She is at a really fun stage (though I hear every stage is the best stage). She can't move around too much so I don't have to chase her, but she is really interactive which is AWESOME! A perfect balance...

Kylie is still rolling all over the place, and she is starting to sit independently. She will usually sit up for about 10-20 seconds before tipping over. She likes to grab her feet and lounge in "happy baby" pose. She is also a wiggler...She lays on the floor and moves her tummy, tenses her legs, and just wiggles around. She is still vocal making lots of cooing and squealing sounds (no words yet)...I'm pretty sure we have a chatterbox on our hands. Besides when we tickle her, she has laughed out loud for us about 5 times. She thinks my parents' dog, Claire, Witten Hartzler, and her dancing daddy are all really funny! She is eating some solid foods, though we are taking it slow. She has rice cereal in the mornings and green beans in the evenings. I am going to give her carrots next week. She really LOVES to eat! She just gobbles it all down. It's a good thing she is eating real food, too, because she is getting her first TOOTH! Her bottom left tooth has poked through and the bottom right one is just under the surface. Needless to say, she has been a bit fussier than usual but nothing to complain about. Most of the time, she is a happy, smiley, content little baby!

As far as Kylie's growth, I am not sure on her weight. I would estimate that she is around 20-22 pounds. She has a doctor's appointment in mid August, so I will post that info. with her 9 month update. She is wearing 6-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 2 shoes. To give you an idea of just how perfectly chubby she is, all of her joints have dimples rather than bumps...