Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Happy 2nd Birthday to Bode!

 Happy Birthday, BoBo!

Kylie made Bode's football cake! She is really becoming quite the baker extraordinaire! 

    Bode Jonathan turned TWO on May 8th! He is a such a sweet boy, who is becoming the flexible 4th child that I'd hoped for! He can go with the flow and follows Quinn and Brooks' rigid games and rules without complaint. He loves playing with his siblings, but can play by himself for long stretches as well. He's becoming a little chatterbox these days, and I'm really enjoying getting to know his little personality.

He currently loves Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse, and playing outside. He likes to build towers with his legos, reading books, running fast, and going to our friends' houses. He still loves his pacifiers and hanging out with mom, especially when the other 3 are at school. He doesn't love going to church child care, but he is getting much better with babysitters who come to our house. He's our pickiest eater, and isn't really food/dessert motivate. He doesn't like being told no, but his temper tantrums are short and he gives in pretty easily.

Bode is an excellent sleeper, probably partially because he still sleeps with his pacifier. That will be gone by his third birthday, so we'll see if we're saying the same thing next year! He sleeps from about 7pm-7am and naps from about 1:00-3:00pm. He typically eats a nice, hearty breakfast, a medium lunch, and a measly dinner!

Bode has changed and grown A LOT since his last birthday! He can obviously walk well and even run and jump now. He started walking around 13 months old. He is a great talker, and can clearly communicate everything he is thinking. He does have a little lisp, which is super cute right now, but will hopefully go away on it's own before too long. With enough coaxing, he tries most foods that I offer him, but his favorites are clif bars, all fruits, cereal, milk, chickpeas, PB and J sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and spaghetti. He still doesn't love most vegetables, but will usually eat carrots, peas and peppers. At his 2 year check up, he was 36 inches long, and weighed about 26 pounds, which was aroudn the 80th percentile for height and 25th for weight. But sadly that put him in the 2nd percentile for BMI. He's our skinny, little guy! He wears 2T clothes, and size 8 shoes. He's still wearing diapers, but hoping to potty train before his third birthday! :)

We loves our little Bode Bo so much, and we love getting to be his parents and watch him change and grow into a sweet, sweet boy!

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