Thursday, December 3, 2020

Quinnie Turns Three!

 Happy 3rd Birthday to Quinnie!

The many faces of Quinn!

We celebrated Quinn's birthday with multiple "threestas."
We had a very small friend party, a King party and a Barlow party.
I think she loved every minute of each celebration!

It's hard to believe another year has passed, and now Quinn is 3. She thinks she's going on 13 though. Some of the things that come out of that girl's mouth are unbelievable. She is hilarious! She's our little comedian. She can also be a little sassy. She never runs out of things to say, and she has never met a stranger. Of all of our kids, she has spent the most time in time out. She is sweet and spirited! And I just can't get enough of her! :)

At THREE years old, Quinn is still a great sleeper. She transitioned to a big girl bed at about 2.5 years  old. She stays in her bed for the most part, but every now and then you can hear her roaming around in her bedroom. She doesn't come out though, she just plays by herself and then puts herself back to bed when she's good and reasty She goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes up in the morning around 7:00am. She is taking a daily afternoon nap from about 1:30-3:00pm. She is also a great eater, and is willing to try most foods. I'd say, she's the best eater of all of our kids. She still LOVES milk and water. Her favorite foods are strawberries, grapes, cucumbers, bananas with peanut butter, carrots with hummus, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, beans, peanut butter and nutella sandwiches, pizza, clif bars and lara bars, fruit snacks, peaches and applesauce! At her 3 year well child appointment, Quinn weighed 34 pounds and was 39 inches tall. She is wearing mostly 4T clothes, and size 8/9 shoes. 

The most important milestone this year was becoming potty trained. It is so nice to be down to just one child in diapers. I look forward to the day that I'm not changing diapers anymore! She has also become a little runner. She loves to get out of the stroller while we are out walking to "run to the next mailbox." She likes to dance, and she does this little performance which includes a plie, balancing on one leg, a couple of twirls, and a bow. It's pretty cute. She loves playing with Kylie and Brooks, but does not play independently very well yet. I hope that will come. She likes to play pretend, especially baking, family and babies. She loves to draw, write, and cut with the scissors. She recognizes and knows how to write the letter Q. She also recognizes the letters B and K. She draws smiley faces and the sun most frequently. She counts to 10, and knows all of her colors and shapes. She is very social and loves playing with her friends, Emme and Mer Mer, and her cousins. 

We love our Quinnie Girl so much!

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