Friday, December 4, 2020

Bode is 18 months!

Cheers to 1 and 1/2 years with Bobo! 

He's a happy boy!

Bode is 18 months old, and is he ever active and wild. He has no fear! He's like a little tornado. I spend much of my days chasing him and cleaning up after him. He throws/drops his food all over the place, takes ornaments off the Christmas tree, moves all my shelving decor around, climbs to death-defying heights, and just never stops moving! He is a fun, happy little toddler. He loves being around his older siblings, playing outside, and throwing the ball around. He's super cute with this little tuft of hair that just won't lay flat in the back of his head. He has the darkest hair of all of our babies and eyes that look like Kylie's. We love this sweet little guy!

As for his current likes and dislikes, he still loves his pacifiers, playing with balls, being chased, sleeping, taking baths, being with his family, and playing outside. He also loves playing with breakable objects, climbing as high as he possibly can on things, and balloons. He still dislikes getting his diaper changed, and most vegetables. He also dislikes being told no, especially when it comes to snacks. 

Bode is still a great sleeper, but probably the worst Barlow eater. He goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up in the morning around 7:00-7:15am. He has a cup of milk for breakfast and dinner. He eats poorly though. He LOVES fruit, but despises vegetables. He seems to enjoy peanut butter, but not necessarily the bread that it's on. He likes chicken nuggets, crackers, and lots of other unhealthy foods. He'll sometimes eat chickpeas or sweet potatoes, but usually I try to get his veggies in him by giving him baby food pouches. He's plus/minus on those. Just depends on the day. My goal over the next 6 months is to get him eating a little better. 

Bode has been making progress in the milestone department. He is our earliest walker, but our latest talker. I think (hope) both of those things can be attributed to the fact that he's the youngest of 4 and he's a boy. He started taking steps around 13 months old, and became a full time walker around 14 months old. As I said, he climbs all over the place as well - up and down the stairs, up ladders, on top of tables and counters. You name it, he'll climb it. :) He's great at throwing a ball. He also can kick a ball, stomp his feet, and clap his hands. As far as fine motor skills, he loves trying to eat with a spoon and fork, but he's not super successful yet. He's not much of a talker, but he is starting to say a few things like "uh oh," "ball," "Bobo," "cheese," "whoa/wow," "catch," "baby," and "mama" and "dada." And I think he said, "poop" just this morning. He waves goodbye, signs more and all done, and gives the cutest little stink eye on command. He knows where his nose and belly button are, and we're working on eyes and mouth. He has 16 teeth. He weighed 24 lbs, 7 ounces and was 31 inches long at his 15 month appointment, but won't have another appointment until his 2 year well child check up. He's wearing size 18-24 month clothing, size 5/6 shoes, and size 4 diapers.

Here are some examples of his wild antics:
Climbing up Kylie's bunk bed ladder.

He loves hiding!

He also loves playing with badminton and tennis racquets.
But he's extremely dangerous with them, swinging them around wildly with lots of force.

Future gymnast?

Again with the badminton racquet.
He also loves Jon's toothbrush, and sneaks away to retrieve it any chance he can get!

Hanging from drawers. Typical.

Dumping out cereal. Again, typical.

And hiding again! :)

Bode brings a lot of joy and adventure to our family. We love this little wild one so much! 

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