Saturday, January 18, 2020

Happy 9th Birthday, Kylie!

Happy 9th Birthday to Kylie!

Kylie is the sweetest girl, and best big sister. She is so helpful to me with Quinn and Bode, and she and Brooks are mostly the best of friends. She loves to hold Bode, and snuggle with us on the couch. We love our biggest girl, and can't believe that she's already half way to eighteen!

I asked Kylie about some of her favorite things again. Here are some of her answers:

Favorite color: sapphire blue
Favorite animal: cheetah 
Favorite TV show: "Spirit"
Favorite movie: "Lady and the Tramp"
Favorite food: corn 
Favorite drink: water
Favorite toy: Roscoe (beanie boo)
Favorite lunch: pancakes at school
Favorite outfit: t-shirt and athletic pants
Favorite snack: chocolate peanut butter bars or popcorn
Favorite song: "Dibs" by Kelsea Ballerini
Favorite book:  "Warriors" series
Best friends: Annabelle, Halle, Hannah, Lauryn, Addison, Anna, Tori
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite school subject: reading and writing
Favorite thing to do outside: play in the snow
Favorite thing to do at school: Friday Fun
Favorite thing to take to bed with you: Roscoe
What do you want to be when you grow up? a baker
What did you eat for dinner on your birthday? Chester's

A few other things she likes...Reading,  doing math and computer programming, playing board games and card games, playing make believe games with friends, basketball, tennis, volleyball, gymnastics, eating dessert (especially chocolate), making crafts, drawing, helping out around the house, and playing with her friends.

A few things that she dislikes...Saying good-bye to visitors, getting in trouble (which doesn't happen too often), brussels sprouts, raspberries, blackberries, and most melons, wearing jeans, and having her hair combed.

I'm trying to think of a few milestones over the past year. They are harder to track now that she's growing up. She loves to read independently. According to her teacher, she is reading at a fifth grade level. She taught herself computer programming using Kahn Academy. It is fun to watch her learn and grow. She works so hard and rarely gets frustrated.

As far as gross motor skills, she is working on becoming better at different skills through sports and activities. She is currently playing basketball and tennis. She will continue with tennis and start volleyball and swimming again this spring. She is growing in her skill in all of those sports. We also have a family ski pass again this year, and she has been enjoying downhill skiing. She is still playing piano, although we are taking a break this winter, but enjoys that as well.

Kylie still likes to sleep, and sleeps from about 8:00pm-6:45am. She goes to school from 7:35am- 2:45pm, and then stays at after school child care at school until about 3:45 until I pick her up. She eats well, and willingly tries most foods! She likes both school hot lunches and cold lunches from home. She has lost at least 8 teeth. They are all grown in. We're waiting for a few more to fall out in the next few years before she gets braces closer to middle school. She is a teeth grinder as well. The dentist thinks she may grow out of that, so for now, we're just letting her grind away.

She recently weighed in at 71 pounds, and she is about 56.5 inches (4'8.5") tall. She is wearing mostly size large or 10 clothes, and size 3.5/4 in shoes.

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