Saturday, January 18, 2020

Bode is GROWING!

My poor 4th child. He is not getting monthly or even bi-monthly updates like his older siblings. He is now EIGHT months old, and not a word from me since he was 3 months. Oh well, he is a wonderful addition to our family, even if it means I have less time for baby updates on the blog.

4 months!

This was actually 5.5 months.

Six months.
Love that smile!

7 months.

8 months.
Never stops moving!

Usually army crawls, but every now and then he does a little of this.

We love our baby Bode, and the sweetness he adds to our family. We are now feeling like we are keeping our head above water most days, especially since Bode has become a reliable sleeper and napper. Bode has a happy personality. He loves smiling and making his eyes twinkle. He has very expressive eyebrows that are a dead give away on his thoughts about you. He still loves being around his siblings, and tries to interact with them. He is still quite the wiggle worm, and never stops when he is awake. He has lost some of his hair, but it's still brown. His eyes are big and blue, and very Barlow-esque.

As far as his likes and dislikes go, he loves being on the go, being held facing out, all of his siblings, taking baths, most baby foods, drinking from the bottle, sleeping, and the pacifier. Things that he doesn't like include missing out (he has major FOMO), breastfeeding (except right away in the morning), being stuck in his car seat, and being tired but not in his crib.

Bode has become a predictable and reliable baby. It is wonderful! He is sleeping well, eating at consistent times, and it's helping to keep us all sane. He wakes up in the morning around 6:45am, and eats at about 6:45am, 10am, 12:30pm, 4:00pm, and 7:00pm. He also eats solid food around 12:00pm and 5:30pm. My breastmilk supply seems to have decreased a little bit, as he stopped gaining weight at about 6 months old. I have now been supplementing 2-3 feedings each day with formula, for about 6-8 ounces total each day. At 7:00pm, he goes down for the night with a bottle and a couple minutes of cuddling. The cuddling is for my benefit! :) He sleeps all  night long and it's amazing! He's gone down for sitters multiple times, and it's so nice to have a little freedom every now and then!

Bode has reached several milestones over the last few months. He starting rolling over, both directions, pretty early, just before 4 months old. He has been army crawling since he was about 6 months old, and pulling up to his knees for a few weeks now. He spends a lot of time on his hands and knees, but goes down to an army crawl when he wants to move. He just started saying, "ba," and "da" consistently, and it's super cute! He was an early teether too. He popped his first tooth through at 4.5 months old and had 8 by the time he was 7 months. He's eating lots of baby food, and some table food. He seems to prefer baby food to table food so far, but hopefully that changes soon because table food is so much easier. I don't know his exact weight, but I do know that he is up over 18 pounds, wearing size 9 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.

BoBo has completed our family perfectly! We love him so much! 

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