Friday, June 28, 2019

Bode Jonathan Barlow

It was a normal Wednesday afternoon in the beginning of May. I was frantically trying to get things done around the house because I knew we'd be having a baby within the next week or so. I was having some weird leaking, but it was only occasionally happening so I wasn't too concerned about it. I decided to play it safe and have it checked out, but really thought I'd be sent home. I went in to the OB triage at about 5pm. They tested my fluid around 5:45pm and the results came back negative for amniotic fluid at about 6:30pm. I called Jon and told him I'd likely be coming home, but could potentially be in labor because while there, I started to have stronger than usual contractions that were occuring fairly regularly, and I was starting to have bigger gushes of fluid. At about 7pm, the nurse and doctor decided to check my fluid again and also check to see if I was in active labor. Surprisingly the fluid came back negative again, but I was dilated to 7cm. At this point, the contractions were getting painful, and I knew I was having the baby that night. I called Jon again at 7:15pm, and told him he better hurry up and get there. He got to the hospital around 7:30, I had the epidural placed around 7:45pm and Bode Jonathan was born at 8:28pm after just 3 pushes! He had a head full of dark hair, and he weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. 

May 8th, 2019
Happy Birthday, Bode!
Fun fact: Bode shares a birthday with his Grandpa Doug!

Father and Son.

Eyes open!

First bath in the hospital.

Proud siblings!


We are enjoying lots of sweet Bode snuggles!

Bode is definitely a Barlow.
Upper left: Brooks
Lower left: Quinn
Right: Bode

Top: Bode
Bottom: Kylie

Quinn loves "baby Dode."

Brooks is so happy to have a brother!

Bode likes to be with me, so he spends a lot of time in the Ergo!

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