Sunday, February 24, 2019

Quinn is 18 Months!

Quinnie Boo is 18 months old!

It's hard to believe this sweet and sassy little girl has been in ours lives for 18 months already...and in just 3 short months, she is going to be a big sister. She definitely still feels like our baby! Quinn is mostly sweet. She loves to cuddle, socialize, and wave at people. But she has a sassy streak too. Her favorite word is "no," and when she wants to throw a tantrum, she can really throw a tantrum. Thankfully, they are few and far between. We love her toothy grin, her funny personality, and sweet hugs!

At 18 months old, Quinn is still sleeping well.  She goes to bed around 7:15-7:30pm and wakes up in the morning around 7:00-7:30am. She is taking one daily afternoon nap from about 1:30-4:00pm. She eats pretty much anything and everything, but I have noticed that she gets bored if I repeat foods too often. For example, she used to love bananas, so I gave them to her everyday for breakfast and now she won't touch them. She eats 3 meals per day, and would snack and drink water endlessly if I let her. She LOVES water! She also drinks about 12-16 oz. of whole milk each day, half in the morning and half in the evening before bed. Her favorite foods are avocados, strawberries, sweet potatoes, beans, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, clif bars, lara bars, and of course, whole milk and water! Her least favorite foods right now are bananas, and anything else that I have overfed her with. At her 18 month well child appointment, Quinn weighed 25 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 33 inches long. I didn't catch her percentile for weight, but her height was in the 85th percentile. She is wearing 18-24 month clothes, size 5 diapers, and size 4/5 shoes. 

Some of her most recent milestones and accomplishments include walking and talking! YAY! She started full time walking in December, around 16 months old. Pretty average for a Barlow baby! She is saying several words, probably 30 consistently, and will attempt to say almost anything we ask her. Some of her most common words are, "mama, dada, daddy, hi, hello, thank you (tank oo), bar (arrr), yes, fish, (eesh), love you (ug oo), uh oh, no, poo poo, please (pees), snow (no), and boo." She also uses signs for, "more, milk, water, all done, and help." And she knows several body parts including, belly button, nose, ears, eyes, tongue, hair, and toes. She continues to grow teeth at the fastest rate of any baby I know. She has 14, going on 16 teeth! It makes for a pretty cute smile! Lastly, she loves to mimic her older siblings. Her favorite thing to copy right now is doing homework. When they are working on math or reading, she will often pull out a workbook and pencil and start writing in it alongside them. It's adorable!

Doing her "homework."

We couldn't love this little girl more! She is a blessing and a joy! Love you, Quinnie!

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