Monday, April 9, 2018

Quinn at 7 Months AND 8 Months!

3/9/18 - 7 Months

4/9/18 - 8 Months

Sometimes she still falls asleep after eating.
It's the sweetest.

She is loving bath time.
She splashes and splashes!

She is so close to crawling. She will get up on hands and knees and rock, but she hasn't figured out how to coordinate the movements yet. She will start to move her legs forward and then just plop down to her tummy because her arms won't go anywhere.

At eight months old, Quinn is a great sleeper. She still goes to bed around 7:15-7:30pm and wakes up in the morning between 7-7:30am. During the day, the is now taking two fairly predictable naps from about 9:15-10am and 1:30-3:30/4:00pm. She still often takes her morning nap in her carseat as we are driving the big kids around in the morning. We make an effort to get home for her afternoon nap so that she can sleep in the crib for that one. She eats every 3-4/5 hours, and is still breastfeeding, and eating lots of solid foods. She nurses either 4 or 5 times per day, depending on the day at 7:30am, around 12pm, 4pm, and about 7:15pm at bedtime. Sometimes she sneaks a mid morning snack in around 10:30am. She eats solid foods at lunch and dinner, and is some table foods as well. She has tried pretty much everything and will tolerate most foods. I would say green vegetables are her least favorite. When she decides that she is done eating, she will make raspberries with her mouth and spit her food everywhere. Not very subtle! :)  I weighed her a couple of weeks ago and she was 17 pounds, 7 ounces. Quinn is now wearing 6-9 month and 6-12 month clothing, size 3 diapers, and size 1 or 2 shoes depending on the brand.

Here are some of her milestones and accomplishments from the past month: Quinn can army crawl, push up to hands and knees and sit up unsupported. She is currently teething, her top two teeth are through and growing in. She sits in a booster seat to eat, and still loves ALL attention. She is also still working on her pincer grasp, and is babbling more and more everyday. She gives excellent kisses, and definitely knows who her people are! Here method of self-soothing is my favorite thing: She sucks on her tongue and puts her hand on her neck. She does this mostly when she's tired, but sometimes when she is hungry too. It's the sweetest. She is a wonderful baby! We're so happy she is ours! 

We love our Mighty Quinn!

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