Monday, March 27, 2017

Yay Spring!

March definitely came in like a lion this year. What February lacked in winter weather, the first half of March made up for! :) Thankfully, we had a trip to San Antonio and visits from my mom and Jon's older brother and his family. We had a busy month that flew by, and we are loving the beautiful spring weather that the end of this month has brought. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing:

Kylie celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday at school by doing lots of reading.
She is starting to read little chapter books now, and it's so fun to see her learn and grow!

Brooks is OBSESSED with animals.
The weirder the animal, the better in his mind.
He learns about obscure animals either on Wild Kratts (a childrens' show) or in his animal encyclopedia.
This day, I found him in our neighbor's tree telling everyone who would listen that he was a Philippine tarsier.
I've included a picture of one for comparison!

Brooks got some mail from his cousins, Elias and Espen.

I love how he relaxes with his hands behind his head!

Kylie had Spirit Week at school.
This was crazy day!

We celebrated Jon's 34th birthday!
Kylie made the sweetest card for him.
"Spider Daddy!"

We went out to dinner with the kids and Greg and Kaaren.
We also ate a massive piece of birthday cake!

During spring break, my mom came for a quick visit.
We went to the Clay Cafe where we spent a couple of hours painting pottery.

I also took the kids to COSI (Center of Science and Industry) for a few hours one day.
We had lots of fun doing science-y things!

The week following spring break, Jon's older brother, Tony, and his family stopped for a day on their way back to Wisconsin from a Florida vacation.
We had fun hanging out, playing,  and catching up.
Here are the Barlow girls, Kylie and Bergen.

The kids played really well together, and also had a cousin sleepover that they enjoyed!
L to R: Espen, Elias, and Kylie

The two younger Barlow's enjoying a story!

The only real outing we took with them was a trip to Graeter's, which is a local ice cream shop with an indoor playground.
It was chilly outside, so it was nice to let them run around for a little bit!
L to R: Elias, Bergen, Kylie, Espen, and Brooks

Kylie, Brooks, and I are attempting a vegetable garden this year.
We started our seeds last weekend!
Kylie was a great helper.

Here is some more of Kylie's work from school.
They are learning about living things, and now have a few guppies in their classroom.
This is a chart she made about the information she has learned about guppies.

And here is her St. Patrick's Day clover artwork!

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