Friday, January 27, 2017

Slow, Slow January.

As you can tell from the title of this post, I have kind of felt like January has slowly creeped by. It's winter. It's gloomy and cold. It gets dark early, and we don't have as much going on as when the weather is nice. We've spent most of our hours inside. In many ways, it's a good thing. We've had more time to enjoy the present. More time to snuggle, play games, read, and really get to be together. I'm starting to get ready for winter to be over, but it has been nice to enjoy a slower pace for a little while. Along with our slower pace comes fewer pictures. Here's all I have for the past month!

The kids finished their first ice skating session this fall.
Both of them moved up, and they just started their second session last week.
The will be having lessons until April, and then I think we will take some time off.

We did have one snowfall. I think we had about 3 inches of some nice sticky, snowman-building snow. It melted the next day! :)

It's upside down, but here is some of Kylie's artwork. 
It is so fun to witness her learn so many new things so quickly. 
Their brains truly are little sponges.

It's January, and it's always gray here, but we have had a few days in the 50s and 60s.
We were even able to enjoy the park a couple of times.

Brooksie had another haircut.
He sits so still and is such a good boy during his haircuts.

We had new built-ins and benches put in around our fireplace. 
We haven't done much decorating yet, but I am loving them and all of the new storage!

On another warm-ish day, we were able to get the bikes and scooters out.

Another school project. This is what Kylie wrote about cardinals. I love how she writes words out like they sound.

We went to story time/craft time at the library.

Kylie had a random day off school, while Brooks still had preschool.
She and I had a mommy-daughter date. 
We drank hot chocolate, shopped, ate lunch, and wore stick on earrings! :)

And for my birthday, this girl spent several days making me gifts.
She couldn't wait for me to open my gifts.
They were all adorable, little Kylie creations.
She also threw me a birthday party complete with games, a puppet show, and a musical number! 

It was a good month! We're excited to see what February brings!

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