Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday, Kylie!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little girl, our Kylie Bean!

Kylie has the most beautiful heart. She is loving and kind, and wants everyone to feel happy all of the time. She is positive and optimistic and still so sweet. We really feel blessed to be her parents.

I asked Kylie about some of her favorite things again. Here are some of her answers:

Favorite color: pink
Favorite animal: cheetah (she now knows that the unicorn is a fairy tale)
Favorite TV show: "Shimmer and Shine"
Favorite movie: "Frozen"
Favorite food: corn
Favorite drink: chocolate milk
Favorite toy: Bootsie the cat
Favorite lunch: PB and honey sandwich
Favorite outfit: running outfit and comfy outfits (aka: not jeans)
Favorite snack: s'more mix
Favorite song: making up songs
Favorite book: Bob Books
Best friends: Addison and Annie
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite thing to do outside: chalk
Favorite thing to do at school: ipad
Favorite thing to take to bed with you: bunny
What do you want to be when you grow up? vet, artist, or gymnastics teacher
What did you eat for dinner on your birthday? pizza from Jets

A few other things she likes...Reading, writing, doing math, putting puzzles together, playing board games and card games, swimming, ice skating, gymnastics, eating dessert (especially chocolate), making crafts, painting, singing and making up her own songs, wearing leggings, playing outside with the neighbors, going to the park, helping out around the house, and playing with her friends.

A few things that she dislikes...Saying good-bye to visitors, getting in trouble (which doesn't happen too often), brussels sprouts, raspberries, blackberries, and most melons, wearing jeans, and having her hair combed.

As for some milestones over the past year, most of her gains are cognitive. She is reading, which is amazing! According to her teacher, she is reading at a mid-first grade level. She can write several words, and loves to try to sound out and write words out how they sound. She can do basic addition and subtraction, and really enjoys doing science "experiments," which are typically some sort of messy craft or project. She can also tell time on a digital clock. She is pretty much self-sufficient, which is a little bittersweet. She picks out her outfits (with a little help on what matches), brushes her teeth,  and showers on her own. I still help her with her hair, but that is because I won't let her leave the house unless it looks half-way decent.

As far as gross motor skills, she is working on becoming better at all of the basics through different sports and activities. She played tee-ball last summer, and will try softball this coming spring, She played soccer this fall, and will also play again in the spring. She is currently still doing swimming lessons, and she has moved up to the star level. This is just two levels away from swim team. She can do all of the basic strokes the width of the pool. She is also currently in ice skating, which appears to difficult to learn. She is starting to stand up without help and skate about 10 feet. She has been taking a break from gymnastics this fall, but will start up in the winter at a new gym. She has progressed on her cartwheel and handstand, and I'm excited to watch her progress even more!

Kylie still sleeps well and eats well. We adjusted her bedtime a little with the start of kindergarten. She now sleeps from about 7:30pm-7:15am. She goes to kindergarten in the mornings from 8:10-11:05am. She does quiet time in the afternoon from about 1:30-3:30pm. She tries every food that I give her and drinks a lot of water and milk. She just lost her two bottom, middle teeth in October, and she is excited to lose the top two in the next few months. Speaking of teeth, she also had two cavities filled this past summer, and they are watching a few more. Oops!

I am not exactly sure of her measurements, but I weighed her on the scale and she was about 50 pounds. She is still taller than most of her classmates. She has her check up in a few weeks, so we'll know her height, weight, and percentiles then*. She is wearing mostly size small or 6-7 clothes, and size 12-13 in shoes.

*Updated on 12/16: Kylie is 50 pounds and 48 inches tall. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 89th percentile for height. If she stays on the same growth line, her pediatrician said she will be about 5'10" as an adult! Volleyball here we come!

Kylie had a wonderful birthday celebration. She woke up to streamers in her bedroom doorway, and presents from mom, dad, and Brooks. For breakfast, she requested chocolate chip pancakes. It was a Saturday, so the whole day was all about her. We went to the American Girl Store after breakfast so that she could get her doll's hair done at the doll salon. She also bought a new outfit for her doll, Rebecca, with some of her birthday money. That evening, she attended a birthday party for a friend at school that was at the same bowling alley that the kids' were also having their birthday party. She enjoyed spending time with her school friends! After bowling, we picked up Jets pizza and brought it home to eat with daddy and Brooks. Before bed, we FaceTimed with both sets of grandparents as she opened the gifts from them. It was a special day!

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