Saturday, November 12, 2016

Fall Fun!

We have had a wonderfully busy fall with school events, travel, and 3 activities for both of the kids. Enjoy some of our fall fun through pictures...

Brooks loves to pretend he is an animal.
In this picture he was being a lizard!

Brooks brought home the class stuffed animal, Buddy Bear.

He also brought home this drawing from preschool.
It says, "It's a race track."

I went to the Dixie Chicks concert with some girlfriends when they were here in September.

Brooks owned this grabber toy for approximately 24 hours before it broke.
While he had it, he picked up at least 10 pieces of garbage.

We often run into friend at our neighborhood park.
This is our friend, Reagan with Kylie and Brooks.

Kylie made this clown in art class, and it was hung in the office along with only 7 others!

Brooks wrote his name for the first time.

We went to the zoo with our friends, Annie and Claire.

Jon and I have enjoyed several Buckeye games this fall!

Kylie lost her first tooth...and her second! :)

We made dreamcatchers for a craft one day.
It was a terribly difficult activity, and I did most of the work! 

Our friend, Claire, had her 4th birthday party.
It was a Paw Patrol theme.
This is Brooks as Marshall, his favorite character.

This is Kylie as Skye, her favorite character.

We went to the pumpkin patch.

We also spent a Saturday at Leeds' Farm.
There are lots of fun fall activities for the kids to do!

Kylie and Brooks began ice skating lessons.
Apparently, the beginners spend a lot of time on their knees.

Brooks' preschool class took a field trip to a pumpkin patch.
Here we are on the wagon ride!

The kids found a katydid at the park.
(It's the green insect on the lip of the garbage can.)
They spent most of their time there watching it.

Jon's brother, Greg, married Kaaren on October 15th!

Jon and Tony standing up for their baby brother!

Kylie dancing with the bride, Kaaren.

Kylie also had an all girl play date with her friends.
L to R: Claire, Addi, Annie, Gwyn, and Kylie Bean

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