Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Brooks is 14 Months!

This big boy is 14 months old!

Brooksie Boy turned 14 months old on the 27th, and he has developed lots of new tricks over the past two months. You can really see the wheels in his head turning, and it's been wonderful to watch him start to understand and comprehend the world around him. He is still just as sweet as ever. He's very loving, and he likes to cuddle. He's becoming more independent, and will play on his own for longer stretches of time. He still has a few crabby moments each day, but he is getting really good at "telling" us what he wants. By "telling," I mean communicating in hand gestures and grunts, but he can get the point across for the most part!

Some of his favorite things right now are playing with trains or cars, climbing on anything and everything, taking baths, eating most foods (not vegetables), "talking" and laughing with Kylie, using his pacifier (we've got to starting weaning this), destroying puzzles or towers that Kylie has put together, stacking blocks, putting stuff in boxes, and taking things out of drawers (especially, but not limited to, pots and pans, utensils, DVDs, and clothes).

Some of his least favorite things these days include eating vegetables (only whole veggies, purees are acceptable), getting his diaper or clothes changed (it's still a war), leaving mommy, having toys taken away, being told, "no," and getting his winter coat on (other coats/sweatshirts are fine).

As I said earlier, he has developed quite a few new skills over the past few months. The most noticeable is his climbing ability. He's also a bit of a daredevil...Not a great combination. He tries to climb up on anything that appears climbable...chairs, tables, beds, boxes, drawers, toys, strollers, toilets, stools, pretty much anything you can think of. He's persistent...If he can't climb it on the first try, he won't give up. He comes back over and over until he can! Thankfully, he is learning to climb down off of these things in a safe, feet first way, but that doesn't mean he always gets down like that. If he's in a hurry, or his mood is just right, he just dives off head first. He's learned to tuck and roll, so usually he's good, but sometimes there are tears and bruises along with the dive! Much to my dismay, he is NOT walking yet. He'll take a few steps here and there, but it takes a lot of persuading. He'd much prefer to crawl to his destination. I don't know why, but for some reason, my kids have inherited some slow walking genes! I'm sure there is some lesson in patience in all of this! :) Some of Brooks' other skills include waving, clapping, covering his eyes for peek-a-boo, signing "milk," "all done," "more," and we're working on, "help." His language skills are really coming along too, especially his receptive language. He understands many simple commands and phrases. For example, if I say, "go get your trains," he does. Or when I say, "Are you hungry?" He will crawl over to his booster chair and grunt loudly until I put him in it. He has a few words. His best and most common word is, "mama." YAY! He also says, "dada," "Kykee" (for Kylie), and I still think he says, "car," "doggie," "ball," and "boo" (for peek-a-boo), but those are up for interpretation! He does two animal noises. He pants like a dog anytime he sees a dog or when we say, "What does a doggie say?" He also says, "Ah, Ah," for "What does a monkey say?" We are working on owl, cow, kitty, and a few other common ones. Another accomplishment that I am probably a little too proud of is that Brooks now drinks exclusively from a sippy cup with a straw. I was dreading the transition from bottle to sippy cup, but my genius friend, Danielle, taught me a trick to getting him to take to the straw. We gave him a smoothie with a straw in it, and put a little smoothie on the end that he was sucking from. When he tasted the smoothie, he naturally and immediately began to suck, and then he got more smoothie. We did that two or three times until he was really proficient. Then we gave him the sippy cup with milk in it, and away he went! Easy, peasy! Thanks, Danielle!!! As for his schedule, he's still taking two naps per day most days. His morning nap is from about 9:30am-10:30am, and his afternoon nap is from about 1:30pm-3:30pm, though he has skipped his morning nap a few times. I think he is getting ready to start trying to drop that one, but I'm trying to push through the winter before I let that happen. He still sleeps over night from about 8pm until 7:30am. He eats pretty much whatever Kylie is eating for all of his meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only exception is that I will sometimes give him a baby food pouch at dinner time if he hasn't eaten many vegetables during the day, since he is picky about those. He drinks milk with his three meals, and right before bed too! Lastly, he is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoes, and size 4 diapers. I'm not sure on his height and weight, but he's feeling a little heavier to me these days. He has his 15 month check-up in March so we'll report back then!

That little boy lights up our life! He makes us laugh everyday, and we are so blessed to have two wonderful, beautiful, sweet children in our lives! We love you, Brooksie!

Showing off some of his new skills: Waving!


Just being adorable!

Wearing a mixing bowl as a hat!




More climbing.

Yup, you guessed it...More climbing!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

31 is FUN!

Well, I guess I am officially well into my 30's. I turned 31 on Sunday, and Jon and the kids spoiled me all weekend long. It was wonderful! 

On Saturday, the 25th, we went bowling! It was the first time that Kylie had been bowling and she loved it! She used the gutters and ramp, and she loved everything about it! She was into it the whole time, and wanted to play more when we were done! That's always a good sign! Saturday evening, our friends, Joe and Catherine, had us over for dinner. It was fun to catch up with them over a delicious meal!

On Sunday, my actual birthday, Jon made a yummy scrambled eggs and toast breakfast. Then we headed over to the Franklin Institute, a science museum, to meet up with our friends, Ashley and Matt and their girls. After the fun at the museum, we ate an ice cream lunch at Franklin Fountain, which is a famous ice cream shop here in Philly. I had something with peanut butter and brownies in it...It was delicious! I joined a women's volleyball league with one of Jon's co-workers, and Sunday evening was our first game. We played a double header. That was 2 full hours, and 6 full games of volleyball! I haven't played since before I got pregnant with Brooks, which was about 2 years ago. We played pretty well together, and won both of our matches! Needless to say, however, I am SUPER sore! The whole weekend was amazing, and a FUN start to 31!!


This is how Brooks enjoyed the bowling game!
He was happy to be snacking for an entire hour!

It's difficult to see the final score, but I won by 1 point! 

My birthday breakfast on Sunday morning!

Playing at the Franklin Institute!

Brooks, the fighter pilot!

Thank you to all of my family and friends who called, texted, FB messaged and sent cards for my birthday! It was a great day, and I feel so blessed to have you all in my life!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Happenings!

Despite the title of this post, not a lot has actually been happening this month. We have had a pretty low key agenda, but we have still managed to stay busy. We have had a few play dates, done some shopping, gone to the Please Touch Museum, played at the park, jogged on the path, had a couple of date nights, and done some preschool and craft activities.

At the beginning of the month, we were supposed to have two holiday parties for Jon's work. One of the events was cancelled, so we kept the sitter and had a date night at Tequila's instead! It was so nice to spend some quality time alone with my hubby! Kylie is working her way through the alphabet in preschool. She seems to enjoy it, and we just finished letter N this week. Brooks is starting to become more independent and plays by himself for long stretches of time. His favorite toys are his Thomas trains!

I would describe the winter weather here as that of a typical Minnesota March or maybe even early April. The temperatures are consistently between 30-50 degrees, and we even had a few days last week in the 60's. It does get cold every now and then, but not Minnesota cold. I think the coldest day was a high temperature of 15 degrees. It's down right balmy to us native Minnesotans, hence our ability to play and run outside in the middle of January!!

Here are some January pictures...

Date night at Tequila's!
They even gave us a romantic candle! :)

 We all enjoy a good Modern Family re-run.
Even Brooks was in to it!

 Trying out some new, funky pig tails!
Along with small pony tail and big pony tail, it's become a staple in our hair style rotation.

 Playing chef with some play doh on that 15 degree day.

 Wearing the chef's hat yet again!

 Brooks' selfie!

 Proud of her smiley face!
This was one of the first she has drawn by herself.

 Playing at the Please Touch Museum.

 Please Touch Museum again.

 At the park on a warm-ish January day.

 Brooks got to play too!

 Working on the letter N for preschool.
N is for nuts! :)

 Watching the snow fall out the window.
She insisted on wearing Brooks' boots that are several sizes too small for her.

Trying to squeeze into the doll's stroller.

We hope your January is as fun and laid back as ours has been! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Mummers! This is one of the strangest, most fun, coolest traditions I have ever witnessed! I'm not totally clear on the history, but apparently it's believed to be the oldest folk festival in the country, dating back to the mid-17th century. Basically, it's a really big, long parade in which everyone wears silly/elaborate costumes. There is some sort of order to it and awards/prize money for best costumes/performances, but again, I'm unclear about the specifics. I do know that there are divisions: comics (and wenches), fancies, string bands, and fancy brigades. They march down Broad Street (the big, main road that runs north-south through the center of the city), for hours, drinking and having a good time! It's on New Year's Day every year, and lasts from about 10am-8pm. For real! We were there from 11:30am-1:00pm, and we saw part of the comics division and part of the fancies division. The comics were silly and drinking...One of them gave Kylie his umbrella, which she is obsessed with. The fancies wore the most elaborate costumes I have ever seen! I guess they spend months working on their costumes, floats, and routines/performances in their clubhouses. It was really cool and crazy! If you are ever in Philly on New Year's Day, I highly recommend it!

It was also Badger Bowl Game Day!
She wore her Badger cheerleading outfit the whole day...Too bad it didn't help them win! :(


Jon and Kylie watching the parade.

Brooks chilling and enjoying the show!

More comics.

Kylie was enthralled.

It's not a real Philly festival until someone breaks out their Eagles flag.

Inflatable gorilla.

Kylie's new umbrella from one of the comics.

The street sweepers come by between divisions.
This is especially important after the comics...Every one of them had a beer in hand that I'm sure eventually ended up on the ground.

Here come the fancies.

See what I mean about elaborate costumes.



More fancies.

Fancy Fish.