Monday, March 11, 2013

Fun Times!

We had a fun and busy week last week. Kylie is at a stage in which she needs to be constantly entertained or else she gets a little crabby. I think it's a combination of her age and a case of cabin fever! It's been difficult for me to keep her happy at home since I'm also trying to manage a 3 month old who spends much of the day in my arms. So we have tried to get out of the house or have friends over to avoid the meltdowns. It usually works like a charm! :) Here are some of our fun adventures...

 Even though this is probably one of the germiest places on the planet, Kylie loves playing at the mall!

 We were snowed in from a huge snow storm so Witt and Helen came over to play!
Here they are watching Jon snow blow the driveway.

 I think these shoes are so cute...and they look even cuter on those chubby baby feet!

 Witt and Helen came over again after Story Time at the library.
They got in to Sari's purse and spent a long time styling each others' hair!

 Here is about half of my stock pile of breast milk.
It's not quite what I had with Kylie, but I should still be able to feed Brooks for a month or so after I'm done pumping.

 We went up to the Science Museum in St. Paul for Jon's birthday.
Here Kyle, Espen and Grandma Kriss are checking out the dinosaurs.

 "B is for Brooks."
Thank you, Marissa, for the AWESOME onesie!

I really hope it's true that if March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb.
Look at all of that snow!
That's 8+ inches! 
This is our second HUGE snow storm in the past week!
I can't wait for warm outdoor running weather! 

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