Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Fun!

19 months old!
Kylie and I are having tons of fun hanging out together this summer. We like to go to the swimming pool, to the park, and for walks in the evening. On rainy days, we like to stay inside and read books, practice walking and climb around.

Playing in the pool!

Swinging at the park on a nice summer day!

One of Kylie's new favorite places to play.

Kylie is 19 months old and still growing like a weed. She had an appointment last week, and she weighed in at 26 pounds and measured 33 inches long. She's learning lots of new words and getting closer (I hope) to real walking...She can take up to about 15 steps unassisted! :) YAY!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer too!

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