Saturday, April 21, 2012


My future gymnast loves to hang out upside down!

Bean turned 17 months old on April 19th!

The past few weeks have been big ones in the story of Kylie. She is FINALLY saying a few words! YAY! I've been told I'll eventually lose track, but I wanted to keep a record of the first ones! Here is what she says...

"Dada" (Jon's favorite)
"Mama" (My favorite!)
"Dog" (Sounds like "doh")
"Woof Woof" (For, What's a doggie say?)
"Oh Oh" (For, What's a monkey say?)
"Neigh" (For, What does a horse say?)
"No No" (Usually after I have told her no)
"Door" (Whenever she opens or closes a door)
"Ella" (For Ella Griffith--Sounds like "Ewwa")
"Ya Ya" (For Jacob)
"Eese" (Cheese)

She is also pretty good at communicating her wants/needs through sign language. She does 4 signs...They are: "More," "Milk," "All Done," and "Help."

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