Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!


Kylie in her Easter dress.

This year was Kylie's second Easter, but her first in Minnesota! And I must say, it was a wonderful, celebration-filled Easter weekend. We started the fun on Friday evening...

Since we were headed up to Hudson on Saturday to spend the holiday with the Barlows, my family decided to have the King gathering on Friday. My mom and dad, Mia and Brady, John, Rochelle and Emmit, Grandma King and my cousin, Lauren, were all able to make it, along with Kylie and me. Unfortunately, Jon B. was on call and wasn't able to join us. We enjoyed a pizza and an Easter egg hunt. Kylie hunted with my dad because we big kids had our own eggs to find. And anyone who knows us, knows that we delight in a little friendly competition. Last year, Mia won so I was determined to take the crown this year. We were each supposed to collect 6 eggs with our names on them, and the first one to do so would get bragging rights until the next year. Well, I was on a roll...I had 4 or 5 eggs when everyone else had only 2 or 3. I easily finished first with all 6 of my eggs collected...Or so I thought. I was happy with my win, and had moved on to helping Kylie find her eggs when I heard my brother say, "I found an Emily." So, obviously I blamed my mom for writing my name on 7 eggs. But I agreed to check my bag to make sure. Annnnd, there in the middle of the pile, was an "Emmit." Oops, my bad! But I think I was still the second place finisher (after Brady), even with the switch. So I went back to helping Kylie find her eggs. Then I heard it again, this time from my sister, "Here's another Emily." Oh no, I thought...And sure enough, there was another "Emmit" in my bag. So I switched the eggs, and looked through the others to confirm that they were all mine. Luckily, they were, but by that time I had finished third to last. The only ones to finish after me were Emmit (probably because I had two of his eggs...and he is 21 months old), and Kylie (who can't walk). Oh well...there is always next year...BUT I think we should go with initials, and not names, on the eggs next year. Emily and Emmit look too much alike! :)

Kylie and Emmit eating supper before the hunt.

Kylie hunting with Grandpa King!

Digging in her Easter egg bag...

Emmit and Kylie posing for pictures!!

Saturday morning, after Jon arrived home from his call shift, Kylie dug into her Easter basket, and Jon participated in his own personal Easter egg hunt that Kylie and I set up for him. Kylie was once again spoiled rotten by the Easter Bunny with clothes, shoes, toys, books and stuffed animals.

Getting really excited to dig into her Easter basket from the Easter Bunny!

We made it to Hudson by 11am, and immediately ate a delicious brunch! We had a large group that included Jon's mom and dad, Grandma and Grandpa Barlow, Tony, Ingrid, Elias and Espen, and a big chunk of Ingrid's family...Her parents, grandparents, brother, sister-in-law and twin nieces were all there! The only one missing was Greg! :( After brunch, we dug into Easter baskets and then headed outside for a little kid Easter egg hunt. This one was much less competitive, but equally as fun. The kids really enjoyed themselves, and Kylie even figured out what to do by the time she had collected her 10th or 11th egg. She would crawl to an egg on the ground, pick it up, and put it in her basket...It was really cute.

This is Espen opening his Easter basket.

Here is Elias out hunting for eggs.

Kylie hunted for eggs with daddy.

All the kids who hunted posing with their baskets.
Kylie, Elias, and Elias' cousins on the other side: Amaya and Liana

Kylie loving her eggs!

Sunday was another festive day, with church in morning and a wonderful Easter feast for lunch! We watched the Twins and then the Masters as we let our food digest, and then left for home early in the evening. The time always goes so fast, but we loved every minute of our Easter weekend! At times like these we realize how blessed we are to have such amazing, loving families! And we are thankful for them. But even more than that, we realize that we are blessed to have a Savior that died for our sins so that we can live eternally with Him!

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