Tuesday, February 21, 2012

15 Months!

Kylie Bean is 15 months old!

Pretty smile!

And one with her glo-weem.

How, oh how, can my little baby girl be 15 months old already?!? She truly is not a baby anymore, but a full-blown toddler. She is really thinning out and growing long, skinny limbs. Bye-bye baby rolls! :( Hello sassy attitude! :) But we are loving this stage...She is acquiring new skills each day, and it's becoming obvious that she understands the things we are saying to her. She is showing a lot of love with kisses and hugs, and that makes parenting soooo fun!

So this month, Kylie is loving some different toys. She has started to show interest in her baby dolls. She hugs them and kisses them and carries them around with her. She also likes her dinosaur walker, and anything that plays music. She likes being read to, and will actually sit still to listen to a book for short periods of time. She still likes getting into drawers and the lazy susan, but we have FINALLY put baby proof locks on the dangerous cupboards so she can't get into those anymore. She likes being around other kids, exploring new places, and getting attention from anyone who will give it to her. She still looooves food, and is constantly asking for "more" by signing it. She will eat almost anything we give her, which is awesome! She also is even more in love with her bunny that she sleeps with...She calls him "na-nee." :)

Walking with Dino!

Once again, her main dislikes this month are being hungry and the bath. She does not appreciate when people are eating around her and she is not eating. She is like a dog, and will beg at that person's feet until he or she shares with her. Maybe she hangs around Huey too much. At home, we try to all eat meals at the same time, but when we go to other peoples' houses or have people over, we usually end up letting her nibble and snack while everyone else is eating. As for the bath, she HAAATES it! I think it all started with her not liking to get her head wet, but now she is miserable during the entire bath. She starts to get upset as soon as I turn the water on, and isn't happy again until she is dry and back in her warm clothes. It has not been a fun experience lately, and is actually more of a sporting event for me. I try to get her in and out as fast as possible...Like a race! But seriously, if anyone has any suggestions on how to get Kylie to like the bath again, I welcome them...I'm at a loss.

As far as her milestones go, Kylie is learning new things everyday. It's been really fun to watch her grow into a little human! She is starting to speak a few words...I think. They aren't really words, but she seems to be saying the same sounds for the same things, so I should say she is trying to speak a few words. She definitely says, "da da" for Jon and "na na" for milk/food/snack. She also says "da" for dog and "na-nee" for bunny. I swear she tried to say cheese last night, but it sounded more like, "eese." But she definitely knows a lot more words than she can say...She signs, "more," "milk," and "all done," so she knows what those mean. She will go get a ball, baby doll, and her dinosaur walker when you ask her to. She seems to understand the word, "no" and will usually stop whatever it is we are telling her "no" for. She will stick out her tongue when you ask her where her tongue is, and shrug her shoulders when you ask her where her shoulders are. We are currently working on belly button and nose, so hopefully she'll know those next month. She has a choreographed dance that goes, "clap, clap, clap...Clap, clap, clap...Shake your groove thing." She claps and then makes little fists and twists her torso for "shake your groove thing!" She still isn't walking independently, but she walks all over the place with her dinosaur walker. She really doesn't want to stand or walk at all without something to hold on to...She will immediately sit down when you take away whatever she is holding and try to make her stand. She's a stubborn little thing! She is eating pretty much exclusively table food, (unless I am lazy and don't want to make her anything) and drinking COLD milk from a sippy cup. YAY! She eats 3 meals (at 8am, 1130am/12pm, and 530/6pm), 1 snack (at 4pm), and 4 cups of milk (the first 3 with her meals, and the last one before bed around 7:30/8pm) a day...I'm actually trying to be pretty strict on the 1 snack a day thing because I know she will eat better at meal time if she is hungry. The hardest part has been the whining for snacks, but we are working on distraction techniques so that she forgets she even wants a snack! :) She is still wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes, with a few 18-24 months shirts, size 4 shoes, size 4 diapers during the day, and size 5 at night. Sadly, she won't keep headbands and clips in anymore, which makes me so sad, but I do think her hair might be long enough for a "Pebbles" ponytail! YAY! Hopefully, I'll be able to post a few pictures of that hair do if it works out!

If it isn't obvious by my lengthy post, we love to watch Kylie grow and learn, and we are so so so sooooooo proud of her and all of her accomplishments!


  1. She is adorable! Have you tried taking a bath with her or shower? That might help. We have a heat light in our bathroom which also helps with the room temp, but I think they sell heat lightbulbs

  2. Alex went through a period of hating the bath from 15 to 16 months. She wouldn't sit down, just stood up screaming the whole time. Then she suddenly got over it, however, now as a more willful toddler, she cries when she has to get out then tells us she is cold. I bring all of her bedtime stuff (pajamas, diaper, lotion) into the bathroom and change her in there after bath. I keep the bathroom door shut all during bath time to keep it as warm as possible and then wrap her in a big towel and keep her top half covered while putting the bottoms on. She still cries though!! Oh the things we do to avoid tears!! Maybe it will be better in summer when it's warmer?

  3. I MUST see that "shake your groove thang" dance! :)
