Wednesday, December 21, 2011

13 Months!

Another month has gone by too fast...Our baby girl is already 13 months!

This month Kylie is loving all of her new toys, especially anything that she can hit against another toy or the ground. She likes to pull up on anything and everything. She is really starting to move and explore a lot! Her favorite places and spaces to explore include the lazy susan (which is scary because that is where all of our canned foods live), the stove drawer, the bathroom (gross), and mine and Jon's bedroom. Kylie's favorite game right now is called, "I'm going to get you." As she is crawling away, I say to her, "I'm going to get you," and she starts crawling away as fast as she can. Every now and then she looks back and smiles! It's really cute! She is getting so much smarter and more fun! Although, there is a lot more chasing going on right now on our part, we are really loving this stage.

Kylie is starting to get more vocal when expressing her feelings about things she doesn't like. In other words, she has started the whining stage....It's the only thing I don't like about this age. She loves to eat, but does not like when we are eating and she's not. She doesn't like to be forced to stay still for longer than 5 seconds, which happens regularly when I change her diaper or clothes. During those times, she is constantly gator rolling and then whining when I make her lay still on her back. She also doesn't like having her hair washed. She used to be okay with it, and I don't really know what brought about this change. I might have to try to combat it with swimming lessons this spring/summer. Another new dislike of Kylie's is wearing headbands, which is KILLING me! :) She pulls them off almost immediately, so these days she is headbandless most of the time. :(

Kylie continues to meet new milestones regularly. She started pulling up in the beginning of November, but she has more recently started cruising (or lateral walking as Jon calls it). She was having a hard time getting down from standing, but now she is completely comfortable plopping down onto her bottom. Sometimes when she is standing up at the coffee table she will reach for the couch or chair, so I am hoping she lets go and tries to walk without help soon. I am predicting, however, that it will be another 2-3 months or so before she actually walks. She still prefers to army crawl, but will do a regular crawl every now and then. It makes me happy to at least know that she can regular crawl and she is just choosing to army crawl. I'm still pretty sure that she is saying, "dada" with purpose, and she is almost definitely saying, "dog" too. Her chatter is sounding more like the way people actually talk, so I'm thinking some real talking is right around the corner. As I said above, she really likes to smack her toys against other toys or the floor, and she also likes to put objects into other objects. She likes to drop things on to the floor, especially food for Huey. She has gotten really good at feeding herself...She feeds herself pretty much everything I give her, and the gag reflex has really eased up. YAY! She is drinking whole milk now...About 20-22 ounces a day, but still from a bottle. I have tried the sippy cup, and she completely refuses. I know I am going to have fight the battle soon, but I'm not quite ready yet. She now has 8 teeth, and they are REALLY crooked! I know they are just baby teeth, but I think braces are in her future! She is still wearing size 4 diapers, though we are going to move up to size 5 at night due to some leakage. She wears size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes. She had her 12 month check-up on November 28th, and her weight is finally starting to plateau. She is really thinning out and starting to look like a toddler! She was 23 pounds, which is the 77th percentile. She was 30 inches long, which is 76th percentile. And her head circumference was 18 inches, which is 75th percentile...She is very proportionate!

Happy 13 months, Kylie Girl!

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