Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Goodbye Florida.

Goodbye Florida.
(loosely based on the classic children's book: Goodnight Moon)

In the sunshine land
There was a beach
And skin that's tanned
And an ocean with-
Waves rolling onto the sand

And there were bronzed lifeguards sitting in chairs
And surfers in water
And air that's hotter
And a large swimming pool
And sprinklers that drool
And a toad and a lizard and big buzzing bees

And thunderstorms with rain and lightning for all to see
Goodbye land
Goodbye sand
Goodbye waves rolling onto the sand
Goodbye ocean
And skin that's tanned
Goodbye lifeguards
Goodbye chairs
Goodbye water
Goodbye air that's hotter
Goodbye toad
Goodbye Beach Road
Goodbye pool

Goodbye sprinklers that drool
Goodbye forest fire
Goodbye lizard
Goodbye broken BOB tire
Goodbye bees
Goodbye thunderstorms with rain and lightning for all to see

Goodbye beach
Goodbye smokey air
Goodbye Floridians everywhere

As I am saying my final goodbye to Florida, I am reminiscing on our time here. There are many things that I will miss: the sand, the ocean, the constant sunshine to name a few. There are some things I'm happy to leave: the smokey air, the afternoon heat, the bugs. More than anything, I am thankful for the time we had down here to grow as a family and to learn things about ourselves that we didn't know before. It was the trip of a lifetime, but it's time to go now. And I simply CANNOT wait to get back to my beautiful state of Minnesota.

1 comment:

  1. Love your poem, Emily! :) It was great seeing you guys yesterday!
